Forum Thread: Pyrit Rainbow Tables

How can I tell pyrit to store its database on an external HDD? I figured out how to feed it with data from an external HDD but not how to move the entire database to it.

Any help is greatly appreciated :)

2 Responses

(Make a back up as always to all files involved)
###For Path Info###
#~sudo fdisk -l
###This Will Move MYSql Database To an External HDD###
Copy the sql database to the EXT. (/var/lib/mysql/)
You will get perms errors if you try and connect to sql at this point.

SO: Nav to and edit (/etc/mysql/my.conf)

datadir = /var/lib/mysql/
datadir = /media/DRIVENAME/mysql/ <---New Location
Save and exit

This puts your Mysql database onto your external HDD
###Make Pyrit Communicate###
Edit ./pyrit/config

storage = file:// to

defaultstorage = mysql://username:password@localhost/pyrit
limitncpus = 0
announce = false
rpcannouncebroadcast = false
rpcknownclients =
server = false
workunitsize = 75000
Save and exit.

This tells Pyrit where the Sql is located
### Testing it###
#~ pyrit eval

If all went well you will not get any errors

###(No Database)
-#~ pyrit -r hs/Whateverxx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.cap -i /root/wpa.lst attackpassthrough

Underscore missing on attackxpassthrough

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