Forum Thread: Access Is Denied (Meterpreter) Uploading

upload /Users/nybruger/.set/reports/powershell/x86powershellinjection.bat C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
* uploading : /Users/nybruger/.set/reports/powershell/x86powershellinjection.bat -> MenuProgramsStartUp

  • corechannelopen: Operation failed: Access is denied.

i can do (Shell > cd{directory} > Dir
that works but not upload
and Getsystem doesnt work too

shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory

  • privelevategetsystem: Operation failed: The environment is incorrect. The following was attempted:
  • Named Pipe Impersonation (In Memory/Admin)
  • Named Pipe Impersonation (Dropper/Admin)
  • Token Duplication (In Memory/Admin)

3 Responses

Are you following an article on null-byte?

maybe because you don't have system privileges. try privilege escalation to get system using bypassuac or bypassuac vbs exploits, and from the new session you get, you can upload your file.

P.S: do you think dropping the .bat file itself in startup folder will start the meterpreter automatically on boot? i have never tried it myself...what i know is that you need to make a shortcut to the .bat file and drop that shortcut into the startup folder

That is what im doing... Im on mac terminal with metasploit but it comes with those errors as i described

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