Forum Thread: Difference Between JavaScript and Css ...

What is a difference between JavaScript and css?
What is similar Between JavaScript and css ?
Advantages and disadvantages of JavaScript and css ?
Which one is better JavaScript or css ?

3 Responses

Javascript is a programming language , It can help you with how a website shud behave when an event occurs or self evoke funcs etc and is not actually used for styling but behaviour of a website.

CSS is purely related to u styling ; like what color text style font style styling buttons etc etc

So no point of comparing of these two :)

As for Pros and Cons

As i am also new to these so dont know alot but ( still exploring ) as CSS getting updated it has lost alot of support in old browsers like NEW TAGS introduced ,old browsers don't recognize them and there is a lot of % of people who still use old version of different browsers like IE 6 or 7 while some and these old browsers still hold quite a number of share in market idk exactly but like 10 11% ( millions of users ) so you cant ignore that market of IE user while other thirty part browsers like Firefox , opera chrome do get updated automatically , positive side : there are some scripts written in java-script which you can include to your web files to avoid such problems

Same goes for java-script too some browser might not support java-script ( some functionalities ) or user might disable them for some security reason as code executes on the users' computer, in some cases it can be exploited for malicious purposes.

They are two entirely different things that work together with HTML to make a working website.

Like what cyber newbie said:

  • css is for making it look like
  • js is for making stuff like messages pop up and other nifty animatons

Learn HTML first before doing anything though

Web Dev can be put like this. HTML is the framework of a building, JavaScript is like the wires and lights, CSS is like the wall paper and doors. Things like PHP and SOME JavaScript frameworks are like the wires going into the building.

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