Forum Thread: How Does a Reverse Tcp Bring Up a Shell?

I know how a reverse-tcp connects to a computer, and how it uses things like a buffer overflow to get a root shell, but how does it take the attacker's input and execute the commands inputted? The reason I ask this is because from my experience, TCP makes a connection but not give a remote shell, but with something like SSH, you get a remote shell. So therefore I was wondering how you get the remote shell in a reverse-tcp attack.

3 Responses

Reverse tcp uses the payload. Your computer will be set up listening for a connection back to it. If the payload is activated, it will connect back giving you a shell. The type of shell is dependent on the payload. Ex. Meterpreter. I could be wrong, I am not 100% sure I am correct but this is my understanding of it.

So after it gets a connection, it starts a separate payload for the shell, and that is what brings up the meterpreter prompt?

The payload is the shell. The reverse tcp is how the payload connects back to your computer.

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