Forum Thread: Sada


17 Responses

Greetings, others will post you links to guides and what not.

My answer to the question is this; you want to remember this stuff then you are going to have to read alot on as many topics as you can handle and keep reading. Running a script is cool but knowing how and what it is doing is priceless. Some things don't use tools/scripts at all.

You will get back what you put into your education of the topic. You want to skip to the pwn button, but sorry they don't have or make one.

"You want to skip to the pwn button..." <-- The true motive of every script kiddie.

"Learn by doing. Less theory, more results."

I find useful to keep documents with a step-by-step self-explanation of stuff I don't clearly remember handy. After writing them, sometimes I don't need them again, and if I don't remember something clearly, they're right there for me :)

P.S.: If you do that, keep them properly labeled and organized.

1) Do it.
2) Realize you messed up too much.
3) Do it again.
4) If it doesn't work restart.
5) if it works, realize you can do it in far less steps than you did.
6) Feel angry for that.
7) Profit.

Linux basics are a required base for hacking, not hacking per se.

You won't learn the basics overnight, you won't learn hacking overnight, and you won't learn programming overnight. Just go slow and steady, and when you look back, you'll see how far you went from where you were.

I have some bad news for you: You'll never "finish" learning, there's always more. And if you get good at it, you can make even more come to existence.

Cuz in that basic is a lot of commands

You know they have a 1000+ page bible of nothing but Linux commands right?

If you are familiar with Kali Linux for a long enough period of time, and you write down the tutorials on notepad or something, it will eventually come to you.

It's like playing an instrument. At first it's confusing, and you don't know how you will remember the songs, but then you practice, and you just know it.

What I do when learning and reading is I open a txt file, and take notes that I can jump back to when I'm having trouble remembering something.

It really works and when you see and do something enough times, you'll remember it without needing to reference your personal notes.

I finished the basics linux series and took some notes.What now?What i should learn next?I was thinking about metaspoil.Any suggestions?

Well what do you want to do? Why don't you start learning about things you want to do and then take it from there? There are so many things you can do in metasploit that it's very, very hard to remember it all. So don't be afraid when you can't remember a million different things.

Wi-Fi hacking is pretty fun and pretty useful, too.

@Cezar You are done with the basics you say?

How do you start Metasploit?
How do I pivot and move laterally to escalate into a System user?
Spoof eth0?
How do I bring my Wi-Fi adapter up and spoof the MAC?
How do you restart a Linux machine?
How do I update my Kali machine?
How do I fix a corrupted package in apt-get?
How to exploit unreal IRC without Metasploit? (out of scope but meh.)
How would I write a script to update my machine? Can I use a desktop shortcut?
How do I write text to a file from the CLi?

(9996 more?) 8-)

PS Not trying to give you a hard time but do it right the first time, make it easy for you in the end. I would focus on one thing at a time like Kitten said start with WiFi. It is not to hard and has a good mix of all techniques. Plus WiFI is about to become a very popular topic again soon, trust me.


I am in a similar position to cezar. What I thought would help is I went and got some series of videos that cover the topics like the aircrack-ng. suite of tools and metasploit and the videos do all of this in kali. Sure reading the articles on here and taking notes is nice and works but then seeing it also really reinforces it. I was planning on testing this on my friends network (with permission of course) and my own network. The video series I have explains how to set up a virtual network to attack or something.

When reading on here I get lost in the terminology and the lack of things I can do right after reading an article. I realize hacking isn't something you learn over night but it's hard to learn when you can't go and do stuff that requires some thought and understanding of why you are doing things otherwise it's just memorize and execute which I don't like.

On another topic, I think there is something to be said about understanding the ontological workings of things before diving into the actual subject. With physics for example I am able to make a lot of neurological connections when learning about Gravity for example because I already had a decent understanding of the Higgs and particle physics. I haven't spent much time on this but I want to learn how information is really sent. Does wifi send the electromagnetic signals like passwords in an expanding sphere or is it directed? What is the underlying reason for why computers are able to automatically react to certain sequences of 1s and 0s? What are the fundamentals of operating systems? I don't know whether these topics will be easy to pick up without an extensive knowledge of computer science like they were for physics when I didn't even know what a vector was but I knew that particles are made of quarks.

I think wi-Fi sends the electromagnetic signals in a expanding sphere, otherwise you wouldn't be able to move around with a phone, or sniff a handshake, or sniff traffic..

I think you're seeking knowledge that's not going to be around here, but you can get by doing CompTIA A+ course (or reading it's pdf, if you manage to find one)

Fire up a VM and make Virtual Lab or use old cheap hardware.

I don't think microwaves act like quantum particles.

Computers were not designed to use binary. It was the most practical to use at the time because we can not design switches that can hold more then 2 possible states.( Quantum computers are not cheap at the moment.)

Binary is easy to tell the presence of electric current from the absence of it. Using any other number system other than binary is quite ridiculous.

Computer science class or Google can explain how the computer works.

Technical enough? ;-P

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