Forum Thread: Welcome to Null Byte!

Welcome to the Null Byte forums!

These forums are for users to exchange knowledge and share thoughts on posted tutorials, as well as share your own tutorials. As for the 'legality' of things discussed here, anything goes as long as you're not directly speaking about committing illegal activity. I/we teach how the bad guys/black hat hackers do it, and how to protect ourselves from it - not how to to hack a bank.

This is a friendly place, but per-usual, rules must be established and followed.

The rules herein apply to all member groups on this bulletin board. These rules have been established to keep the community clean and organized, which will ultimately allow everyone to exchange information and learn a lot easier.


  • Language = English

This board is an English speaking forum - you are expected to post in English, or not at all. Sorry for any inconvenience.

  • Post legibly.
  • Cite sources.
  • Be respectful.

"imgoing 2 p0st liek this". Please, don't. Keep topics and replies legible to all readers. If you are posting information gathered from a source you are using as an example, cite that source. If you don't cite that source, it is expected that the statement is yours in its own. Be respectful. If there's flaming directly toward another member, take it out of here. It is okay to have a different opinion, if posted in a respectable manner. We welcome debate and opinion as long as you keep your cool.

Post Content
Please refrain from:

  • Linking to sites containing malware, pornography or content considered to be violent, gruesome or cruel.
  • Including images or video containing pornographic (and underage) content, or violent, gruesome, or cruel content.
  • Double++ posting.

What is double posting? Double posting is posting in the same thread twice in-a-row. In other words, posting, having nobody reply, and then posting again. Please help keep our threads organized by clicking the "Edit" button to your previous reply, and editing that one.

With that said, enjoy your stay, and I hope we learn much from each other!

Thanks to for rules template.


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