How To: Make a new moon herb tincture with Threadbanger

Make a new moon herb tincture with Threadbanger

Herbs are an incredible addition to your garden. This week, Meg talks about some of her favorite herbs and shows us how-to make a new moon herb tincture! Follow along with the advice in this video gardening lesson and start incorporating fresh herbs into your cooking!

Threadbanger is one of WonderHowTo's favorite fashion DIY video creators. Search Threadbanger on WonderHowTo for more fashion tutorial videos. From the Threadbanger site:

"The ThreadBanger network is a landing point for people who want to create and discover their own style through alternative fashion: recycling, up-cycling and re-fashioning anything and everything with simple sewing tools and techniques. From our episodes, forum and blog, to our newsletter, contests and viewer-take-overs, ThreadBanger is a multi-media network for people who want to share their passion for DIY, fashion and crafting with each other. ThreadBanger is a place to share ideas, tips and advice and help make the world more fashionable, ThreadBanger style!"

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