How To: Create a super freaky alien makeup look for Halloween

Create a super freaky alien makeup look for Halloween

All the other girls are going to be dressing up as slutty bunnies and slutty witches for Halloween, so stand out from the crowd and turn yourself into something interesting this Halloween by dressing up as this freaky scary female alien.

A red, completely bald glittered head, alien contact lenses, and a sharply contoured skinny face make this alien look extremely bone chilling. To learn the how-to, check out the video.

Products Used:
Bald Cap
Mehron Palette
Red Glitter from Wal-Mart Craft Aisle
120 Eyeshadow Palette from Celia Makeup
L.A Girl White Eyeliner
Bare Escentuals Eyeshadow in Onyx
Ardell 105, 110, Bat Girl Eyelashes
White Glitter from Sally's Beauty Supply
Stillglamorous Eyeshadow

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This is freakin' awesome...I have to go to a Science Fiction themed Halloween party and this
sure beats attempting Marvin the Martian! Your instructions are easy to follow and you are
very personable - great job!

I sooo can do this now ( well at least try anyway LOL)!! Thank you. You have MAD SKILLS and are officially my Guru. Please post more.

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