News: Dreamworks Delivers A Furry AR Selfie Lens on Snapchat for Release of 'The Croods: A New Age'

Dreamworks Delivers A Furry AR Selfie Lens on Snapchat for Release of 'The Croods: A New Age'

The movie theater business is hurting due to the pandemic, but that hurdle is actually the perfect set of circumstances for movie studios to lean hard into augmented reality marketing.

That's what's on the menu this week as Dreamworks teamed with Snapchat to launch a special Lens for the sequel to the blockbuster animated hit The Croods.

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The Croods: A New Age, hit theaters on Friday, and in conjunction with the release, fans have been given the ability to take AR selfies with the franchise's iconic sloth named Belt.

Images via Dreamworks, Adario Strange/Next Reality

But this is no ordinary selfie. The Snap Lens actually allows the sloth from the tale of prehistoric cave people to mimic your facial expressions, from smiles to frowns and even bugged out eyes.

To access the Lens, simply open the Snapchat app on iOS or Android, or, if you already have the app, just scan the Snapcode below.

In addition to the AR selfie, the Lens also provides access to a virtual room that brings you deeper into the world of The Croods, complete with interactive audio features.

Image by Adario Strange/Next Reality

You can also use the Lens to one-click access movie times and ticket purchases in your area.

Of course, given the current unusual circumstances, Hollywood experts aren't expecting the same kind of box office success as the first (which made over half a billion dollars worldwide), but nothing will stop some dedicated movie fans from venturing out to the cinema for the holidays.

If you're willing to wait, some reports claim that the film may also be available for premium video on demand on December 25.

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Cover image via Dreamworks

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