News: Judge Rules Kidnapped Marine's Liberties Were Violated!

Judge Rules Kidnapped Marine's Liberties Were Violated!

HOPEWELL, Va. (WTVR) -- A Hopewell circuit court judge has ordered that a Marine veteran detained over anti-government Facebook posts be released from a psychiatric hospital.

CBS 6 News' Catie Beck said the judge dismissed the case Thursday against Brandon Raub. The judge said the original petition for Raub's detention contained no facts. In other words, there was no information on why Raub was being held — and the judge deemed this violated his civil liberties.

As a result, the judge ruled law enforcement has no grounds to hold Raub.

Beck said the judge is in the process of writing an order for Raub's release. He is expected to be released from a the hospital in Salem, Virginia Thursday afternoon.

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