General Discussion

Forum Thread: XHYDRA

Can someone post the setup- screen shots of XHYDRA using a anonymizing proxy / VPN. Its the second to last tab where you can check proxy etc.. it would be appreciated is they could explain each section and setup of this tab. Also a explanation of the other tabs and how they work would also be great for us NeWBies

Forum Thread: What Are Some of Your Most Favorite, Most Reliable Exploits You Use Often? And Following, Which Payload?

The reason why I ask this question is for another source for understanding. I've read through OTW's articles and threads many, many times. However, I'm finding it challenging to successfully engage a node here at the home network. All computers are running windows 7 or windows 8.1 with ALL updates from the OS, and software as well. So I'm finding it very challenging to hack one of my nodes. Any help or suggestions for other ways to go about it? Maybe, manually install meterpreter on their sys...

Forum Thread: Salami Slicing Anyone?

Computer hacking is significantly different from other crimes in a number of key ways. First, there is distance or remoteness between the perpetrator and the victim. Anyone connected to the Internet anywhere on this planet is vulnerable to anyone else on the Internet.

Forum Thread: Should Software Publishers Be Held Liable for Losses Incurred by the Purchasers?

When software companies publish or manufacture a defective product, the losses from a security breach resulting from that defective product can reach the millions of $US, and in rare cases, billions of dollars. Presently, the purchaser/consumer of that product bears the entire burden of those losses. This means that if Microsoft turns out a defective Internet Explorer (IE) that is then exploited to steal your bank account, the loss in borne by you and you have no recourse for compensation fro...

Forum Thread: Anonymous on the Net or Not

Followup to other posts here about remaining anonymous while on the internet using laptop/device. As the article below ( linked )at bottom of this post showed back in 1999, chip makers were having their chips send out or thinking of sending out the equivalent of a SS# for your device and the privacy foundations were in litigation to find out what was being done. So for discussion are our devices, in the post 9/11 world truly untraceable? I doubt it.

Forum Thread: Become a Cyber Warrior

In this digital era of cyber crime, cyber attacks, and cyber warfare, the warrior of the future will be a cyber warrior. No longer will nations fight wars with guns, bullets, bombs and soldiers, but rather with computers and hacks.

Forum Thread: Desperately Need Assistance with Cain and NTLM Hash Dictionary Cracking

Hello, I have an NTLM hash from my Windows 7 computer. I created the account myself as a test. I know the password. I can load this hash into Cain, then load this test wordlist with the correct password that I know appended at the end of the test list. I then run the dictionary attack and it is successful. Now, I create a custom wordlist myself in Notepad and I insert the known password and the dictionary attack fails every time...

Forum Thread: Skype Backdoor

So i recently became aware of the fact that famous VoiP client Skype which is part of Microsoft has indeed an backdoor service which monitors our chats when we send certain keywords. What do you guys think about this? Can we even trust any IM?

Forum Thread: Cyber Warfare

We've entered a new era in the history of human-kind in the last decade. Almost from the beginning of time, wars have been fought with physical violence meaning spears, knives, arrows, bullets, bombs and attack helicopters. Now, wars can be fought with a single computer. If an aggressor nation or rebel movement can attack and shutdown another nation's electrical grid, water system, sewer system and communications, they won't last very long in a war.

Forum Thread: The Botnet Threat

Many in the security industry (including yours truly) estimate that over 1/3 of all home computers are infected with bots and are part of a botnet. This enables someone to remotely control and use that system for good or ill. If these estimates are correct, over 100 million computers in the U.S. are part of some botnet. Sometimes these bots are used for spam, DDoS attacks, password cracking, proxying attacks, etc.

Forum Thread: The Hacking Process

Many people believe that hacking is a simple process. Someone hands you a silver bullet and you own the system! That is far from the truth. Hacking is a slow, methodical and sometimes tedious process. You have to do your "homework" to be successful.

Forum Thread: Impossible,Improbable or YA Its Doable

I am sure this is being monitored -So for conversation sake/hypothetical free speech and educational purposes only . Basically looking for the steps to remain unidentifiable as mush as possible. A step by step guide with backedup information that can show that a computer / laptop gives off this information when connecting to the internet and what to do to avoid such.? For the paranoid--do we know that Intel or AMD,or other parts of the machine are not encoding their chips / equiptment to give...

Forum Thread: Literature for the Aspiring Hacker?

After reading and as well trying stuff from Null Byte for some while, I thought of getting some literature on "Hacking" to expand my knowledge. After a short research on Amazon I became aware of the variety of books about IT Security and Hacking.

Forum Thread: Should the U.S. Hack the Syrians?

The U.S. government is considering attacking the Syrian regime with cruise missiles and bombs in response to their using poison gas on the rebel opposition. Wouldn't it make more sense for U.S. government to simply hack the command, control and communications center of the Syrian government? It would a lot cheaper and fewer lives would be lost.

Forum Thread: Is Windows 8 the New Vista?

Back in 2007, Microsoft launched a new operating system they dubbed "Vista" to much fanfare. Unfortunately, corporations and individuals worldwide shunned it due to a variety of issues. Many simply skipped this OS entirely. Eventually, in 2009 Microsoft made a number of changes and improvements to Vista and re-released it as Windows 7 that was a success.