hello,i really need some help here..
what i did was that i scanned my cousin's ip and wanted to find the ip to connect me to his router ( he lets me) after i scanned it it appears 2 hosts with open ports i wasn't sure which one of them was for the router(i would appreciate some info about that,how to know for sure which is the routers ip)but anyways, after i typed both of them it appeared at both
You don't have permission to access /UI on this server.
i would really appreciate a reply as soon as possible.
2 Responses
what type of router is?
Usually you can tell by the OS... try nmap -sS -A -T polite (speed I use alot) (Ip/24). I don't have anything on the whole error message but this type of scan should tell you all you need to know. :)
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