Sorry for posting this here bu, however,t I couldn't ask you here
I tried this on windows 8.1, followed the steps, but once I pressed enter in the Internet Explorer , the site didn't open and there wasn't any activity on my terminal. I tried a lot of different exploits later or earlier, but all of them were a disappointment. What am I doing wrong?
5 Responses
You're giving us no information to go off; please expand on your question.
Archibald Tuttle:
As ghost_ said, You need to provide more details about your problem.
A screenshot with some description could do
Like I said, I tried to remote a windows 8.1 Computer with Adobe Flash Player 10. I searched an exploit including Meterpreter and used it, but nothing happened after I typed in exploit and opened the http:// address on the victims Computer.
The cause of this relies on different problems. Are you able to exploit the system with a binary payload? Try pinging the listener machine from the target machine.
You're trying to hack Windows 8.1 with an XP exploit. It just ain't gonna work.
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