Forum Thread: How to Change What Grub Automatically Boots To?

Im currently dual booting Kali Linux and Windows and I want to change what grub automatically boots to. Instead of it booting into Kali after 5 seconds I want it to boot into windows. Can someone help me? Thanks!

3 Responses

Google goes a long way, but Google would also tell you the complicated method to do so. I just use Grub Customizer, this program also allows you to easily change the colors, resolution (to an extent) and the background plus what OS boots and how long the GRUB menu shows!

I downloaded it installed it and edited grub to the way I wanted It and it worked perfect for the first few boots and now this come up when I boot it up "minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completion. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions.

grub>" Could someone tell me how to fix this? Thanks.

there are some scripts for grub in /etc . i hope changing some variable will do ur job..
as per the link look into /etc/default/grub file...(open it in leafpad)
its has following lines and many comments..following is mine

GRUBDISTRIBUTOR=`lsbrelease -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

you can alter the timeout and the default OS its booting into , the first two row variables. read the link carefully .after altering u have to update the main grub.cfg file in /boot.

alter when u are 100% sure, i think this might do ur job..

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