I was wondering how you could get someones internal ip address both from someone on your network and from someone you don't even know. I run Kali Linux and am trying to catch myself back up.
-Also how would I find someone on my network if theres two routers.
For example: Your main Internet and Wifi come from a NetGear Router yatayata however that NetGear Router goes through a "Nighthawk" Router to dramatically increase your download and upload speed.
(also take in note theres one or two hidden ssid for the wifi login. there is also one that isn't hidden.)
How would I know whos all connected to my network?
8 Responses
Wouldn´t "nmap -sS" do the trick?
(of course changing the ip address to yours)
Not necessarily. Many default configs use 172.xxx.xxx.xxx and 10.xxx.xxx.xxx instead and I dont think the nmap scan would discover them
Or airodump-ng.
An added bonus is airodump-ng tells you the clients around you as well
well that'd be a huge help also. what are the commands to show the clients around me?
simply by going in your router homepage and check out your LOCAL NETWORK
Does armitage display them??
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