Forum Thread: Hydra Custom Pw List

As the title suggests, I'm going to make a custom pw list for Hydra (which I am just now learning..about time)

I have the following Python script below as a test for having 4 letter passwords (Just a quick proof of concept)

#Import libraries
import random
import string

#Initialize any settings
chars = string.digits
size = 4
password = #There is a list here. It might not show up on WHT.
pwlist = open("pwlist.txt", "rw+") #Open a file in write mode

for index in range 7454720:
test = .join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(size))
if test not in password:
line = pwlist.write(test)

Do you think this logic would work fine when it comes to cracking every possible combination of 4 letter password?

hydra -l admin -P pwlist.txt -M serverlist.txt

I haven't even booted up Kali at all today, I'm just watching a lecture from Udemy. Any pointers would be nice.

4 Responses

You didn't close your file, this could lead to serious errors. Instead of writing every password to the file separately, you could append them all to a list and iterate over it once, writing each element to the file. This way you could open the file once under an alias.


Thanks Defalt. I'll be sure to make those changes.

I fixed some syntax errors (Forgot several parenthesis) and it is currently running. I'll post something later when it's done..maybe I shouldn't have set it to every possible combination..

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