Forum Thread: Kali 2.0 IS HERE!!!!!

10 Responses

Are you for sure that those are the Kali 2.0 images? Because I thought 2.0 was scheduled to come out this afternoon.

Is the only difference between light version and the full one tools? or are there differences like desktop environment etc.?

Both. Light comes with less tools and the Xfce environment

Still like the old one haha ;);)

"This webpage is not available

ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT_" Must be popular today..

I'm very impressed with the UI.

I know it's generally not something we care about, but I really enjoy a well designed interface.


Hmmmmmm. I'm having some problems installing it. I can install every OS fluently, except for this one lol. It keeps on looping at the "Configure the Network" section. Like, I'll enter in all the info, but once I enter in the password for my WiFi, It'll loop back to the Network Selection portion. Any Idea why this is?

I just opted to not configure the network at that time. Also, I had to reinstall the old Kali because it's incompatible with my laptop lol xD

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