I wish to learn how to hack websites (finding Admin username/password) by working through a specific example of a website I have.
I could contact a "hacker for hire" on the Net (there is no lack of them…) and ask him/her to do the job, but I am not interested in doing this : I want to get the know how and learn how to do it by myself.
I have already gone through several tutorials (including some on YouTube). Some are more interesting than others. I have also tried the SQL injection method, using the Havij and SQLMap tools, but, apparently, my website is not "injectable".
Could someone suggest any step-by-step tutorial or online course I could follow in order to learn efficiently how to hack my website ?
3 Responses
same here
First you have to learn the database-language you want to hack (mysql, mssql, oracle, postgresql).
Why? You have to know the command you are using!
Second your site must be in php or asp and have a connection to a database.
If a website isn't "injectable", it could be the website is created with no "vulns"; it means the code of the website is written so that any input is checked. As example a login or form in with the username is checked by input of letters and numbers only.
No other chars are allowed!
Good luck!
@DS KIM I don't know what you want?!
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