I want to learn how to build a rootkit. And now that I am beginning I want approach my learning with subjects that matter for rootkit building. I don't make this a waste of time learning what I shouldn't
Can you tell me what is important learn to know about rootkits?
4 Responses
I found this book to be very helpful.
but as far as a simple quick learn I don't think it exists here.
but there is a rootkit project to play with
Thank you, I know a simple quick learn is hard to find (or impossible) that's why I asked for a place to begin, just to haven't a bad start :)
I had looked for this book before and now I saw that this article is from there, so the guys have reason, this is the best book to learn about rootkit
Manel, I've received your message but I can't answer due to email verification. Feel free to message me in others channels like cybrary or twitter while I solve this email issue. Seja bem vindo! Sorry for the late.
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