Forum Thread: Setting Up a Wireless AP for Monitoring Traffic

Hello, in my school we have a project. The subject i was given was "package sniffing -- Wireshark and security of a public network"

in few words: I need to set up a wireless (unsecured) network to monitor the traffic in a public place...

But I'm not someone who knows everything so does anyone know how I can pull this off?

10 Responses

Interesting assignment! Look into airbase-ng.

Thanks! I'll look in to it! ^^

Thank you so much! I'll look into that too ^^

just set up an unsecured WIFI,monitor the packets using wireshark,then maybe hook browsers......

First you'll need a wireless adapter (preferably one capable of packet injection) Then, set up an evil twin AP to catch victims. Once you've set up the evil AP, launch a deauthentication attack to boot all the victims off the public AP and on to yours. Once that's done, just fire up wireshark and sniff away.

If you really felt like it, you could connect you're internal wireless card to the public AP and find a way to route traffic through it. This way no one notices the AP has changed.


For as long as the public network (target network) is using WiFi, it is not difficult to sniff all the packet goiing through the air.

However, if we talk about a wired network then the complexity rises.

Anyways, i am sure he will have some fun during this assignment.

Just because it's wireless doesn't mean he'll pick up all traffic. Only traffic that passes over him. The evil twin garuntees that he'll see everything, plus he would have the option to manipulate all traffic.


Yes of course!!! But from the title of the subject, it is likely that he won't really need to sniff all the packets.
In fact from the title alone, we could go around the subject in the opposite direction.

We assume that the public networks is not secure (under DOS attack or whatever) and we can use wireshark to find the source of the problem.

PineappleWifi. It has a gui interface and if your not sure how to set up a AP for MiTM, this will do it for you.


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