Hi I recently installed kali linux and there was couple of problems . I was unable to decrease or increase my brightness , tried using xcalib and xbacklight to set the brightness but to no avail. The biggest problem was the /sys/class/backlight/intelbacklight/ file was empty and I could not change the brightness as I hope to .
Can someone please help me ?
7 Responses
try echo 10 > /sys/class/backlight/intelbacklight/brightness
I was also unable to edit it through vim
i found something look more usefull
sudo sed "s/\(GRUBCMDLINELINUX=\)\"\"/\1\"acpiosi=Linux acpibacklight=vendor\"/" /etc/default/grub -i
sudo update-grub
I tried your method at first , i reboot but no changes were save so i tried modifying the grub file by adding 'acpibacklight=vendor' . I reboot and found a asus-ng-wmi folder containing brightness files ,i tried configuring it from the number 100 to 50 but it gives an error : "could not save to file /sys/class/backlight/asus-ng-wmi/brightness" unexpected error:error writing to the file invalid argument "
It was a number 100 in the file which i suppose is the percentage of the brightness bu i tried changing it to 50 but failed
is your monitor driver correctly installed and work under linux ?
yes , i installed the nvidia drivers already
You can resolve this issue by using xbacklight or by changing required files in your system.I have done a video regarding this issue please do check it out :
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