Hi, I am using airbase-ng to create a fake AP. Its speed is really slow and I can't not do anything with it (still has connection, just very very slow). I do my homework and find out it's a know issue here:
So I try hostapd as suggest. This one has 2 options, using airbase-ng to create the fake Ap (slow again) or use hostapd itself. I go with hostapd (my wireless card supports it) but then no device can see the AP, it's not visible to my phone, Ipad or laptop. Try many times with different options but no luck.
So any suggestion in this please? If you manage to find a way with airbase-ng (without its slowness) or hostapd or anything else please share.
Oh, anyone has success with airbase-ng and normal speed? And which way did you do that?
My card is TP-Link TL-WN722N
Thank you!
3 Responses
Try mana toolkit maybe
Have you tried:
Oh thank you, I will give it a try.
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