
Mac for Hackers

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Nov 11, 2016

When it comes to hacking guides, most are written from the perspective of a Linux user. There are a few outliers, but it's mainly Linux, which leads to the idea that Linux is the only OS that's viable ...

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Nov 3, 2016

We're almost there to completing the setup of your Mac for hacking! Now that we have Git and Homebrew under our belts, it's time to take on something fairly easy, but very important for our hacking ne ...

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Oct 24, 2016

Now that we've learned about keeping all our data safe with encryption, it's time to continue progressing through getting your Mac set up for hacking.Just like most other people, we hackers have a lot ...

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Oct 24, 2016

Before we dive any further into getting your Mac ready for hacking, I wanted to continue on with the concept of encryption. In the last part, we talked about full disk encryption on your Mac, but now ...

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Oct 11, 2016

This is the very first article in my series on setting up a Mac for hacking. In this series, I will be operating under the assumption that you have a clean install of macOS (previously OS X). If you a ...