Web applications are becoming more and more popular, replacing traditional desktop programs at an accelerated rate. With all these new apps out on the web comes various security implications associate ...

One of the ultimate goals in hacking is the ability to obtain shells in order to run system commands and own a target or network. SQL injection is typically only associated with databases and their da ...

It is often said that the best hackers remain unknown, and the greatest attacks are left undiscovered, but it's hard for an up-and-coming penetration tester or white hat to learn anything unless one o ...

Database technology has vastly improved the way we handle vast amounts of data, and almost every modern application utilizes it in one way or another. But the widespread use of databases naturally inv ...

For SQL injection, the next step after performing reconnaissance and gathering information about a database is launching an attack. But something seems off .. in the real world, it's usually not quite ...

Know thy enemy — wise words that can be applied to many different situations, including database hacking. It is essential to performing adequate reconnaissance on a system before even thinking about l ...

The key to becoming a competent white hat is knowing how the technology that you are trying to exploit actually works. SQL injection is one of the most common methods of attack used today and also one ...