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"Hack Like a Pro: Snort IDS for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 3 (Sending Intrusion Alerts to MySQL)" cover image
Apr 15, 2016

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! If you have been following this new Snort series, you know that Snort is the world's most widely used intrusion detection/protection system. Now a part of the world ...

Screenshot of a console displaying network security software information, including version numbers and components.
Apr 14, 2016

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! As you should know from before, Snort is the most widely deployed intrusion detection system (IDS) in the world, and every hacker and IT security professional shou ...

Pig-shaped coin bank in a hand.
Mar 29, 2016

Welcome back, my neophyte hackers! In the world of information security, the most common intrusion detection system (IDS) you will ever encounter is Snort. As you probably already know, an IDS works s ...

Piggy bank next to an open book on a wooden surface.
Aug 13, 2013

Welcome back, my novice hackers! My recent tutorials have been focused upon ways to NOT get caught. Some people call this anti-forensics—the ability to not leave evidence that can be tracked to you or ...

Two close-up pigs with distinctive snouts.
Aug 12, 2013

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! Nearly every commercial enterprise worth hacking has an intrusion detection system (IDS). These network intrusion detection systems are designed to detect any malic ...