How to Get OpenVas Working Properly in Kali

Apr 28, 2014 06:33 PM

A few days ago I finally finished my 2 week journey into trying to get OpenVas to work properly. You all may have noticed that you can't just click the setup openvas in kali and have it working properly.

I scoured the Web till my finger's bled and I no longer had fingernails using this fix and that fix and yet when I clicked "check openvas setup" I was greeted with a list of new things to fix.

Alas I am stubborn and refused to give up the challenge. My bandwidth allocation diminishing and with cramps beginning to form in my fingers, (not to mention carpal tunnel flaring up) I finally found the fix that worked.

I would love to give credit but I honestly cant find the site I got the script from. I think it was blackmoreops. Anyways open your terminal and cut and paste THE ENTIRE CODE into your terminal. Not one line at a time but THE ENTIRE CODE BELOW. I will warn you this will take quite sometime to complete as it will download all the data and also setup your data base.

sudo -s

test -e /var/lib/openvas/CA/cacert.pem || openvas-mkcert -q


test -e /var/lib/openvas/users/om || openvas-mkcert-client -n om -i

service openvas-manager stop

service openvas-scanner stop


openvasmd --migrate

openvasmd --rebuild



test -e /var/lib/openvas/users/admin || openvasad -c adduser -n admin -r Admin

killall openvassd

sleep 15

service openvas-scanner start

service openvas-manager start

service openvas-administrator restart

service greenbone-security-assistant restart

It will ask you a few questions as you move along the installation process so be prepared.

Please note, you do not have to use the above script again.

Now in in terminal type openvas-check-setup

You should get something like this,


Once the above is complete you will want to update and open Openvas properly. Openvas is really quite a delicate and finicky little Bi### but thanks to Afterburn we have a nice little script that does this. Cut and paste the below into your favorite editor and save it.


## Script by AfterBurn @ NetSecNow GNU License

echo -e "Script by AfterBurn @ NetSecNow.\n"

##Setting up nvt sync

echo "Syncing NVT Database..."


echo "Updating SCAP Data Feed"


echo "Updating CERT Feed.."


## Starting Services

echo "Starting OpenVAS Services..."

/etc/init.d/./greenbone-security-assistant start

/etc/init.d/./openvas-scanner start

/etc/init.d/./openvas-administrator start

/etc/init.d/./openvas-manager start

echo -e "Services Started!\nPlease Login via the Web UI @ and confirm the secuity exception.\nFollow the prompts and login with your username/password.\nUsername default is admin and the password is the one you created during setup.\n"

echo -e "Launching Iceweasel with the WebUI :-)\n"


echo -e "Having issues? Visit"

It does take a few minutes longer to load using the above but me, personally, if I am going to take the time to scan a site I want all the updated information I can have.

I will be looking into setting up Nexprose next. I am really confused why rapid 7 did not include it in Kali as Kali is pretty much wrapped around Metaploit I would think they would try to seamlessly incorporate Nexprose.

image compliments of Shutterstock.


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