So i ran into a problem few days ago and it seemed to be very annoying one. I got hands on ASUS X55A with broken HDD. So i changed HDD and woo enter bios password. I hit enter and got into bios where uder security tab was shining ADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD INSTALLED. There was no user password but administrator password was set and it led to that i wasnt able to boot anything. At all.
First thing i tried was to flash bios but guess what? You need administrator password to do that.
Next thing i did was removing CMOS battery for about an hour, but that did not help. It just reseted the time and date, but admin password was still set. I suppose that isnt up to date solution as it uses flash memory for storing password. But worth the try.
Than are utilities to reset CMOS, but they didnt worked at all or needed to boot from cd or flash drive. No solution.
So i was browsing an internet to find a solution but i found nothing.
But then luck turned on me and i found an old forum thread where my solution was and it is really simple.
- Go to Windows and set dat to 2002/1/2 (US date format)
- reboot and when it promt for password hit alt+r for recovery password mode
- type in pass ALAA4ABA
And thats it! Administrator password is gone!
Than i found you can set any date, if u have some problems with that ( up to 2011) and find your pass here
This was also tested on another two ASUS notebooks A55C and F751LX.
This propably works on any APTIO bios.
Hope this help and thanks for reading.
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