Hello all.
It's time for level 6 all, password encrypting.

Looking for ASCII Table
First you have know what is ASCII here's a link for you buddies
Go for the Level 6
As you see here

there are 2 input boxes the first checks for you the password algorithm.
For example put this in the first one:(capital letters are different)
it will gives you this
but if you input this:
it will gives you:
so what are these?
well if you look at the ASCII table you will understand that:
a ------> a
b ------> c
c ------> e
d ------> g
the 1st one moves 0+
the 2nd one moves 1+
the 3rd one moves 2+
the 4th one moves 3+

I hope you got it.it is totally easy to understand
the page says that
You have recovered his encrypted password. It is:
here you don't need to move them one by one forward 0+/1+/2+/3+/4+/5+/...
here it say you have recovered the encrypted password,so its completely different here you have to move backward instead of forward i mean this:
here for this 4g3deh>; we do like this:
4 ----> 4 (0)
g ----> f (1-)
3 ----> 1 (2-)
d ----> a (3-)
e ----> a (4-)
h ----> c (5-)
> ----> 8 (6-)
; -----> 4 (7-)
it is 4f1aac84
hope you all understand this.

Bye for now.
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