How To: Master Microsoft Azure with This in-Depth Training Bundle

Master Microsoft Azure with This in-Depth Training Bundle

In the not-so-distant past, cloud computing was thought of primarily in terms of online storage platforms. Now, however, massive cloud infrastructures are used by virtually every major business to reach clients, manage data, and deliver services.

The Complete Microsoft Azure eBook & Video Course Bundle will teach you everything you need to know about one of the world's most popular and influential cloud computing platforms so you can take your business to the next level or land a high-paying job in tech. Best of all, it's on sale for 95% off at just $29.99 today.

With over 15 hours of content, this training package will walk you through both the basics and more advanced elements of everything from Azure's general structure to its more esoteric tricks.

After an introduction to the terminology of the platform, you'll learn how to deploy and manage multiple Azure solutions through a single interface, how to design Azure apps that can be used to facilitate the transfer of massive data sets, how to work with PowerShell to streamline your entire workflow, and more.

If you're primarily interested in data management and storage solutions, there's comprehensive instruction that teaches you about a variety of server systems as well, and every one of the courses can be easily accessed on all of your devices 24/7.

Do your career a favor by getting up to speed with Microsoft Azure. Usually priced at over $700, the Complete Microsoft Azure eBook & Video Course Bundle is available for just $29.99 today.

Prices are subject to change.

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Cover image by Pete Linforth/Pixabay

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