Hello null byte!! I found a local local privilege escalation exploit on Exploit-db known as CVE-2015-5889: issetugid() + rsh + libmalloc osx local root by rebel. You can visit the link here or find the code on pastebin here.
Download the Script
If you don't know how then you are at the wrong place. Otherwise save it as exploit.py and then move on to step 2.
Run the Script.
Go into terminal and run it as python (whatever directory it is in) and run it. The output should include that it has created /etc/crontab and then waiting for sudoer file to change. Afterwards you should have a root shell!
Post Exploitation!
Now if I were you I would change the root password with passwd root and then set the password but thats just me. From here do whatever you want
Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed this. Don't do anything bad and what you do with this information I am not responsible for.
Have fun! -August
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