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Linux Basics

Ship icon with stylized wave and network connections in the background.
Feb 9, 2018

Whether you're white hat, black hat, or some shade in-between, navigating through a network is a core part of hacking. To do that, we need to be able to explore a network to discover the addresses of ...

A cardboard box containing files and a penguin figurine, symbolizing Linux tar.gz file compression.
Jan 9, 2018

When using Linux, we often need to install new software, a script, or numerous large files. To make things easier on us, these files are usually compressed and combined together into a single file wit ...

Colorful feather illustration with a dark background.
Jan 9, 2018

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! In an earlier Linux Basics tutorial, I had demonstrated the basics of the Apache web server. Since Apache is the world's most widely used web server on the Internet ...

Terminal displaying a list of files with their permissions and modification dates.
Jan 2, 2018

Very often we have processes in Linux that we want to always run in the background at startup. These would be processes that we need to start at bootup and always be available to us. If we are running ...

Three internal hard drives mounted on a wooden surface.
Jan 2, 2018

Managing hard drives in Linux is crucial to understanding your system and its operation as well as understanding the system you are exploiting or conducting a forensic analysis on. Linux has numerous ...

Penguin statue close-up.
May 26, 2016

Welcome back, my hacker trainees! A number of you have written me regarding which operating system is best for hacking. I'll start by saying that nearly every professional and expert hacker uses Linux ...

"Hack Like a Pro: Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 7 (Managing Permissions)" cover image
Jan 7, 2016

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! I've been writing these Linux tutorials in an attempt to fill the void in the education of some aspiring hackers into the Linux operating system. There is a lot to ...

Fantasy character with dark robes and wings, illuminated by a mystical aura.
May 11, 2015

Welcome back, my rookie hackers! In my ongoing attempts to familiarize aspiring hackers with Linux (nearly all hacking is done with Linux, and here's why every hacker should know and use it), I want t ...

A penguin swimming underwater.
Apr 20, 2015

Welcome back, my aspiring hackers! Although this article may have been better placed first in this series, I doubt that anyone would have read it when just starting out studying Linux. Now, that you a ...

Close-up of a king penguin's head against a blurred orange background.
Mar 1, 2015

Welcome back, my budding hackers! In my continuing series on Linux basics for aspiring hackers, I now want to address Loadable kernel modules (LKMs), which are key to the Linux administrator because t ...