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ESP8266 MCUs

Microcontrollers placed on a smartphone screen with digital interface elements.
how to
How to Perform Keystroke Injection Attacks Over Wi-Fi with Your Smartphone
Close-up of green text on a screen displaying "upip.in".
how to
Use Upip to Load MicroPython Libraries onto a Microcontroller Over Wi-Fi
Microcontroller connected to a breadboard with jumper wires.
Blue LED strip lights surrounding two blue circuit boards.
Microcontroller board with a glowing LED indicator.
Arduino board with antenna on a breadboard.
Wireless device with a display showing options: I SCAN, SELECT, ATTACK, PACKET MONITOR, CLOCK.
ESP8266 WiFi module and a microcontroller circuit board on a prototyping board.
Microcontroller board with a Wi-Fi module and connection points.
Small electronic circuit board held in hand.
Microcontroller board with LED lights connected on a breadboard.
Wi-Fi enabled circuit board with a glowing LED.