General Discussion

Forum Thread: Can't Open a Session (Metasploit - Kali)

Hello I'm trying to do a backdoor with the windows/fileformat/adobepdfembeddedexe exploit. I made the file and all, but when I open that pdf file on my other computer (to test it before to try in my victim's computer), it doesn't start a session on my metasploit. I tried sessions -l to check, and nothing

Forum Thread: Need Assistance

Hi, I am trying to help a friend remove some unsolicited content from a forum that was posted without their consent by their. The site doesn't respond to requests to remove the content. The site doesn't seem susceptible to SQL Injection or XSS, at least from the methods I have tried (bare in mind I am a complete novice at this, so I might be over looking something). I am trying to get a user/e-mail list so I can target the actual person's account, or at the very least just get brief admin acc...

Forum Thread: Hack cPanel?

Hi everyone. I own two domains, one registered with NameCheap and one with GoDaddy. Since I own the sites I wanted to 1. Test/learn my abilities and 2. Test the security. Does anyone know how I would go about finding the cpanel and gaining access to it? Thanks.

Forum Thread: Removing Online Posts

Okay, so a while back I shared a very personal story in an anonymous support group, long story short someone took that story and posted it to a very public site. I have tried contacting the site but they have a very strict policy on not removing anything posted to their website. Is there anyway to hack in and remove the post myself?

Forum Thread: My Friends Facebook Hacked..

Please help everyone, one of my friends facebook got hacked. That guy first sent her request from another hacked account and did social engineering on my friend , and convienced her to give her password and also convienced to make her send some of her pics( you know what i mean) she gave her account details and that guy now is send all her pic to her friends. And he also hacked her gmail account, she neve gave her gmail account details.

Forum Thread: How to Fix Kali Linux Not Able to Use Internet Adapter?

So I have a NETGEAR WNDA3100 which i've been trying to use for quite some time going across many threads and sources looking for a solution. My Issue is i'm trying to get this internet Adapter or for a better term Wireless adapter to work on Kali, I have to use a USB to test solutions that may work but i have seemed to never prevail. I'm asking for help with this as i'm completely lost on how to get things to work.

Forum Thread: installing Kali from USB ?!!

I want to install Kali on my hard drive so i wont waste time plugging and unplugging the USB. when i go on and click on graphical install or just install, i notice something at the beginning it doesn't last long before disappearing ,, it goes something like failed to mount media , mount unmount dev/sda no arguments stuff like that,,

Forum Thread: MITMf Error

I am using this command mitmf -i wlan0 --arp --spoof --gateway --target --jskeylogger The tartget is windows on my VM ware station.Using dual boot with kali linux and get this error when start browsing.

Forum Thread: Alternatives to Ngrok

Hello my beloved etchical hacker. My isp doesn't support port forward but thats not a problem since I use ngrok.The real problem is everytime I create a payload I put the port and the ngrok ip which changes everytime I reboot my system which means I have to create a new payload and send to user.