General Discussion

Forum Thread: All About Sql Injection..

How to defend yourself from SQL injection. All I know is that the attacker upload a PHP script from application form or any form from where you can upload a photo/video/ppt/etc . And then relocate the location of the PHP script by typing the name and location of the file in URL. The PHP script then run and may delete or stole your complete website . According to me the one solution is to put the uploading file in the folders like (62gHgU29hs) . So that the attacker cannot find the location bu...

Forum Thread: No Wifi in Kali Linux 2.0

Hi everyone, i'm new here and i just downloaded kali linux 2.0 and create a USB live key with persistence. I noticed that my wifi card is not detected in Kali linux, i ran the ifconfig command it shows the eth0 and the Lo, but not the wlan0. I'm using a macbook pro 2013 and my internal wireless card is a Broadcom BCM4360 802.11ac. I tried many things, but i can't get that wireless card working. Can you help me guys ? Thank you

Forum Thread: How Do Hackers Hack Accounts So Easily?

So, I know there are methods like phishing pages, brute-forcing, and such, but how are these top hackers able to hack accounts so easily? It can't just be social engineering, and brute-forcing can it? especially speaking from a stand point of an attack being done outside of a LAN. Even Mark Zuckerberg ended up getting hacked along with other big youtubers!

Forum Thread: Best Chromebook for Kali?

I am new to the Linux field, and want to get a lightweight dedicated machine. Have learned quite a bit quickly, but surely just a drop from the ocean. My thought process is this: pickup a Chromebook, wipe it, and install Kali. My main concern is the wireless card, and finding monitor ability. I know RAM will slow me down (only 2GB, rather than 8, or even 4), and 16GB hard drives will hold me back. With an SD cars slot, it seems fine to use that for any storage I need, and my main way to trans...

Forum Thread: Kali Linux

I'm new here. I been trying to download the latest version of Kali linux to my computer. I successfully downloaded the torrent file but did not work and tried the iso to put on a usb drive that stopped in the middle of downloading. I tried to do it on IE and firefox. Both off of Is there another website or should I just purchase one off of amazon. HELP PLEASE!!!!

Forum Thread: How to Find OTW Tutorials

Hello Null-Byte community, as you know since OTW left, his profile has been deleted. however his tutorials are still there... How can we find them all in the same place as before. There are some interresting tutorials he has made and I can't find the entire list since I can't necessarely recall all of the titles.

Forum Thread: I'm Having Some Issues with Msfvenom

So i was trying to make a payload with msfvenom. And it made it successfully and everything except for one thing when i sent the payload to my computer and opened it msfconsole didn't receive a call back from the payload and i'm wondering what is making this problem. is it msfconsole or msfvenom?

Forum Thread: Need Help with Reaver on Mac

I recently got a MacBook Pro and installed reaver and aircrack-ng on it. Now every time I try to use the command sudo wash -i en1 , I am greeted with this error message. X ERROR: Failed to compile packet filter. How to I fix this? I have looked all over the web but I could only find half answers that were for linux machines.

Forum Thread: Problem Installing Dvwa

Trying to install dvwa i did this:Mooved and unziped the file to /var/www Changed the password from the config file stated mysql and apache2 service created databases in mysqal dvwa.Did previlegi with chmod -R 7555 dvwa and when I go to localhost/dvwa I recieve this mesege:

Forum Thread: SMFH at the Posts I See Here

I am new here and new to pentesting in general. I have been taking some online tutorials( and and when I dont understand what the tutorial is explaining, I stop it, get more info on the subject, then pickup where it left off. Does anyone posting questions here actually look for an answer or do they all just want other people to tell them what to do? Its more sad than funny, everyone wants to be a "hacker" but no one can google anything or put the time in to learn what to ...

Forum Thread: Can't Put My Network Card into Monitor Mode

Ok...I'm using Kali 2.0. A few days ago, in an attempt to hack an asshole neighbor's Wifi password, airmon-ng gave me rage quit. Instead of putting my wifi card into mon0 and wlan0 seperated, it put my card into wlan0mon! airodump-ng couldn't recognize it get the idea. Can't kill it, either. airmon-ng said that I was attempting to kill something that wasn't monitor mode and blah blah blah. I looked up the Internet and the result were quite disappointing. Can anyone help me with that...

Forum Thread: Billion Dollar

did anyone hear about the billion dollar hack in which hackers i think in russia and china stole like a billion dollars from banks across europe and i think maybe the united states? why is it that hackers who can steal this amount of money always seem to live outside first world countries like the u.s., canada, western europe, japan, australia, and new zealand? ive never come across or heard of a case in which hackers who live in any of these nations are able to steal this much money, why is ...