Forum Thread: How Do I Do This ?

if exist C:\cmd-codes\8131-94-70+8-535-8-351x9-\0-59-0-\copys\ (
goto copy2

if not exist C:\cmd-codes\8131-94-70+8-535-8-351x9-\0-59-0-\copys\ (
echo error C:\cmd-codes\8131-94-70+8-535-8-351x9-\0-59-0-\copys\ not found
echo creating C:\cmd-codes\8131-94-70+8-535-8-351x9-\0-59-0-\copys\...
md C:\cmd-codes\8131-94-70+8-535-8-351x9-\0-59-0-\copys\
goto copy1

echo type directory and file name here e.g. C:\folder\finder.bat
set /p copyinput=
echo you put in %copyinput%
xcopy %copyinput% C:\cmd-codes\8131-94-70+8-535-8-351x9-\0-59-0-\copys\
this is my code but it dont work
i whant to copy a file from my pc to a copys folder
useing user input

3 Responses

its probably a noob-ich mistack but can someone help me out?

hi geeks thx for the great sharing xperience hwever have one question is there a script that can get me into my gmail account if i forget the pwd and all other solns have failed like google account support

yes there is but i dont have current knollage of where to find it but at best find out how to hack your emall service and then find the hash for your accont then go to a chraker and ckrack that thing but at best go to a better how-to

i hope that anssers ur Q&A

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