General Discussion

Forum Thread: Ruby for Meterpreter

As i found out to write a meterpreter script i need ruby programming language. I seacrhed on the internet and i got to offensive-security site , title custom scripting. I tried out there examples and i got errors, the say to print the comand is print_status("Hello World") but on another site i found that the comand is print "Hello World", the last one worked but on that site they didn't have things that you use in meterpreter so if you know a tutorial about rubby in meterpreter please tell me

Forum Thread: Windows Defender Instantly Picks Up Priv Escalation

I have a question. I've got a windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp session on a Windows 10 system (using Kali). But when I try to elevate my privileges to system level, Windows Defender instantly blocks everything, even the infamous ASK exploit (and yes, I tried PSH method). Some exploits even lead to my session being terminated (died)... Why doesn't it work and is there still a way to elevate to system privs with Windows Defender installed on the target?

Forum Thread: Shellter and Metasploit

All of us want our payloads to be FUD. 99% succeed but not me, I am stuck here everything i try ends with windows threat protection found a virus, i know that you try to viruse your PC on purpse but i don't care so i delete it. So everytime i want to try my payload i have to turn off windows defender.

Forum Thread: New IRC Channel for Nullbytez

So the folks over at Darchoods are cool with us resting our virtual presences over there again, chatting it up and shooting the shit. If we want this to be any good though I'ld like a few people to OP the channel though. If you would like OP status in our new channel, please say so in the comments below. In your comment please include your nick, registered on, and a reason/experience as an IRC OP. I myself have very little, I would prefer an emissarial role. Anywho, hope to ...

Forum Thread: How-to Create a Bot?

Hi to everyone, I'm here to ask you any suggestion about how to create a bot that buy automatically specific things in a specif website. Someone says to use PHP. Can you suggest me what I need to do to create it? Every suggestion is well accepted.

Forum Thread: How to Spoof a Url?

This may sound stupid. Let's say I just cloned Facebook using SET and as you all know the phishing can only be done when the user types in my internal ip address in his/her browser and now what I wanna do, to make it less suspicious, spoof the url. What I mean is that the real facebook url will be redirecting to my phishing page. Does anyone has a clue about this? Is this even possible?

Forum Thread: Mitm Attack-Arp Spoofing

When I do ARP spoofing attack against my Windows host from my Kali that is installed virtually on it, I get sucess and I can sniff packets, credentials and so on. However, when I do this attack on any other device on my network that device's Internet connection gets disconnected and from that device I can't browse anything.

Forum Thread: Need Static Ip

i have dynamic ip ..... i need static ip ..each time restarting router my public ip changes.. am trying to use msf venom ....for that local host am giving my public ip bt after restart i cant isp not providing static there any online method to use gain that public ip?