My name is AppleDash, and I'm somewhat new here. The reason for "somewhat" is because I've been a lurker, viewing, reading, and learning here on the Null Byte world. (Clever name by the way. I read the post on the world namesake and found it interesting. Link for those of you who haven't read it yet: )
For a bit of background on me, I am a (now former) script kiddie. I've always wished to learn about the tools I use and what they do behind the scene to be able to come up with my own hacks/exploits rather than follow a tutorial mindlessly word for word. I've been interested in coding and such for as long as I can remember (although fluent in none, save basic HTML) and up until now, have thought my career would be video game development.
Hacking gives me the thrill that thinking up a game, or trying to program a game, doesn't for the simple fact that hacking is far more worthwhile. Hacking matters because I could one day help the government or an organization against a cyber attack, whereas all I'm doing with games is entertaining the general public. But alas, I'm rambling
So, to end this (rather) long introduction, I came across this site (world) searching for "Kali Linux tutorials" as I have Kali Linux x32 installed on my Dell Inspiron 600m laptop. (old laptop, I know, but I don't want to use my gaming PC to hack outside of VMs)
Any who, I hope that (long) introduction posts are allowed (I didn't see anything disallowing them however.) and I look forward to possibly being a productive and helpful member of this community. With that said however, if anyone feels the need to give me tips (as I am a "greenhorn hacker" to quote OTW) and such, I will more than gladly welcome them do do so.
(I'm rambling again, but at least I'm thorough haha) This is where I am at on this world currently:
~~Apples, signing out!
6 Responses
Welcome Appledash48!
You found Null Byte just by looking for Kali tuts?
Man, it's getting crowded here! GG to all the creators of Null Bytes, se rock!
I assume you are still studying while trying to find your way: let me tell you, don't worry, be happy, everything will come as itself.
For now, keep studying, stay hungry, stay foolish.
Have a nice stay!
Welcome, glad to know you're not kidding anymore :)
Although I haven't even watched half of them, I'd highly reccomend Hak5 Haktip series. They're not too fast paced, nor too slow, and they're fun to follow :)
Welcome! I hope you find our tutorials and community helpful and interesting. You seem to know what you are doing, and are approaching with knowledge. :) If you haven't done so already, I would recommend reading many of the basic posts, such as How To Post to Null Byte, that way, you get some starting places.
I have to say, I do enjoy reading these introductions. It seems like a good practice that we haven't done before.
As for MLP fans, I am one also... I am one of the 1,000,000+ Derpys on Steam. :P
Yup :D Already did it before I even made a WHT account. And also, awesome hahaha. Derpy is my 3rd favorite pony.
I know I'm late; but I wanted to say welcome to Null Byte.
Lol that's alright ghost_ It's the thought that counts!
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