I tried out the Hacking Team Flash exploit (https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37523/), but I can't get it to work. When my victim pc (of which I made sure it was vulnerable to the exploit) browses to the malicious link, I get the following output in Metasploit every time:
* flash_uaf - Sending HTML response.
* flash_uaf - Request: /test/ROCUxh/
* flash_uaf - Sending HTML...
* flash_uaf - Request: /test/ROCUxh/dcez.swf
* flash_uaf - Sending SWF...
Apparently it keeps getting stuck at the sending stage. I tried another exploit (https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37536/) and I got the same results.
Does somebody know what could be the problem here?
2 Responses
Can you send a screenshot of what you put as your options?
Same Problem. Stuck at
adobehackingteamexploit - Sending SWF...
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