General Discussion

Forum Thread: Closing Backdoors After Being Hacked by Metasploit

It seems as if someone has hacked my phone using metasploit. It seems to be a client sided hack as when I'm using openvpn I can see the persistent tunnel enabled and have a remote tcp connection to an ip. Also alot of my apps are opening up ports on their own (not in a usual way). Also they are using the phone to hack the WiFi to get the public IP (mine is dynamic) then gaining access around the network that way. They seem to be using some sort of multicasting. This is only a hunch but basica...

Forum Thread: How to Install .Apk File Remotely Using Meterpreter?

HI, Right now I trying to figure out how to install the .apk file on the android phone using meterpreter? I already install a payload on my android phone. So, let`s say if I want to install another .apk file what shall I do? Is it possible to do it? If can what is the procedure to do it? If not possible can you suggest me another possible way to do it?

Forum Thread: Disguising payload for victim to start through email

I am trying to find the best way to send my payload via email to the victim and then have them open it. However, with most payloads being .py, .bat,. or exe this does not seem like it would work easily or even at all. I saw some guides on how to embed a veil payload in an office document, but it does not seem to be reliable (and it requires the user to enable macros).

Forum Thread: Website Information Gathering with Red Hawk on Kali.

Welcome back hackers and pentesters to a tutorial on an all in one information gathering, and vulnerability analysis with a linux tool called Red Hawk. Recon and mapping out our target is a key step before we begin to hack or exploit anything. This tool helps automate this by seeing what our targeted site is running and if there are any exploits for it. Lets install it from our terminal and change to its directory, and then run it: