General Discussion

Forum Thread: Apache Server[PHP Website] Help!

Have finish reading everything on this site and i am amaze of what i have learnt but i haven't solved my main goal, my site is hacked and i can't get in now i discovered that i can't find any vulnerability from the site using Nikto and now i am confused of what to do now.. can someone give me a link to read on how to bypass auth' and enter the website inner server, because i need my site back and the site do not have a valid upload field to upload my weevely shell or code injection to work, i...

Forum Thread: Current Browser Help.

I want to know if anyone has gotten an exploit that works on the latest version of Microsoft edge of Google chrome? I know it's gonna take time to get exploits but I wanted to know if there was a chance of someone already having one.

Forum Thread: Hydra 0 Valid Passwords Found

ave been trying some basic tutorial about hydra brute force. Please understand i do not plan to use this unlawfully. Am trying a tutorial from here how ever even after i copy and paste the code i get 0 valid passwords found. The password is 12345 and its in a pass.txt file but it doesnt work. This is the code i used.

Forum Thread: Testing Out a Web Server for a Friend

Alrighty, So I'm doin a pentest on my friends web server, Using a kali vm on virtualbox (don't have the hardware to currently dual boot) and I know my way around some tools, mainly recon. A bit of metasploit, my question is, this server has many open ports running a lot of services, even bloody pop3 (port 110)! My question is, due to me being in a vm, seems like I can't connect to the metasploit db and therefor don't have any access to the payloads/exploits. any way to circumvent this? Do I h...

Forum Thread: HELP! I Seriously Need Help.

Have tried many methods on his website but no positive result and my website is controlled by him and he has deleted all my files on it cry can i hack my site back.. pls guys am just a girl who want to learn hacking and get my site back and get it secured.

Forum Thread: Stay Safe While Hacking

Hello, I have a question, In order to stay safe while hacking, we need some precautions like buying a VPN. Let's say we buy a VPN with bitcoins from LocalBitcoin, then we mix those bitcoins a few times before paying for the VPN.

Forum Thread: Need Help with My Meterpreter AutoRunScript Script

I am trying to automate my attack a bit. Im trying to start a listener, wait for a connection, background the session when opened, run a privilege escalation exploit and at last run getsystem and getuid. However im having some trouble with the background command. It starts the listener perfectly and when a connection is made it starts session 1 and tries to background however (as you can see on the picture) it's kinda stuck in the "Backgrounding session 1", if i press enter it continues the s...

Forum Thread: BusyBox Exploit?

I was searching the net and was reading on how to hack my big brother's site for what he did to me, and i started loving it when i found weevely but i still couldn't get into his web server "port 80/tcp" and i came across busybox in metasploit but i don't know how to use it.