Null Byte Forum

Forum Thread: Not Able to Connect to Target Computer via Metasploit and Veil-Evasion... Why?!

hei guys, i am quite new to the hacking world, and was trying out metasploit now. But i am having a lot of problems with it. I simply cant get a connection to my target computer, which is in the same network. I used Veil, but because of the problem i even disabled windows defender (and there is no other AV on it). i have tried numerous trojans and none of them worked. I am really desperate guys...

Forum Thread: Install Payload with Only Hard Drive Access

Hello, What is the best way, to install a persistent metasploit (or any) payload, on a PC, that you only have access to its hard drive. For example you have physical access to the PC, but you don't have the username and password, and you do not want to remove the password, however, you can boot in using a live cd, and access to the hard drive.

Forum Thread: The File Is Corrupt .Psd

Hello! worked in photoshop with psd file, suddenly turned off the computer. Can't remember when I saved before, maybe 5-7 minutes before. Happened automatically restart. When I reopened the file, it already consisted of one layer in black color. The file size is not changed. And the preservation of its consistent shutdown of the computer. Ie file somehow merged all the layers preserved before shutting down. How can I return the file to its state before this glitch? Copy no. Program Advanced P...

Forum Thread: About Being 99.9% Anonymous

Hello, people... While i was cleaning up my virtual existence in the search for maximum anonimity, i noticed that many services such as Google, or even a simple apache2 server log file are able to, through some kind of fingerprinting, guess my device's OS and browser used.

Forum Thread: Evading Anti-Virus

Hi guys i tried every single one of Veil evasion payloads and shellter and each of them got caught by my anti-virus software so i have been wondering that is there any other technique in order to evade antivirus besides Powershell. Thanks

Forum Thread: Kali Nethunter HELP

Hello guys, it's my first post to Null Byte, i wanna know if there is anyone using LG G5 and has installed Kali Nethunter on it. There is thread on XDA developers, but the kernel or ROM is not fully stable, sound is not working and there is some problems with full screen. Any help would be good. I'll post a link to XDA developers thread :

Forum Thread: What Type of Virus?

hello guys, before I do something that most of you won't like - maybe - I would like you to know that I'm new here and about me, I just learned hacking just almost a week right now and I have a goal and I had an Idea that I wanna share to all of you.

Forum Thread: Undetectable Phishing

About a year ago I found a forum on Facebook that had a tutorial on how to make an undetectable phishing site by making some of the files JPG files instead of HTML and PHP files so they wouldn't be picked up by the web hosting service that you are using, I haven't been able to find this forum again and I was wondering if anyone had the link to the forum or knowledge that they could share. Thanks.

Forum Thread: Stealth Kali Passthu Pi Box?

I am aware of some of the other projects out there and may end up building off of them, but I really wanted to have an outside perspective on a few things before running down too many of the wrong rabbit holes. The idea is to use a raspberry pi loaded with kali to perform a transparent physical man in the middle situation while avoiding pitfalls of NAC detection. To summarize what I am trying to accomplish:

Forum Thread: Can't Connect to ZTE F609 Anymore Wirelessly

Yesterday, i've been messing with my router. i found out that i could 'Permit' (allow) spesific MAC Address. So i went to my router gateway , logged in, and search for WLAN > Access Control Lists From there, i want to permit some MAC's from my devices, so i click from the dropdown list to choose what method(block/permit), i click 'permit'. But, the router suddenly kicked everybody off the router. I've searched on internet what's the problem, the problem was because 'i didnt put th...

Forum Thread: Metasploit on Kali Linux 2.0

Hello, I am fairly new to Kali, and just Linux in general so I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. But I have seen quite a few tutorials on here that require Metasploit, however I cannot find it. I have installed Kali on my Raspberry Pi 2, could that be it?

Forum Thread: Instagram

okay.. I Am a Noob When It Comes to Hacking. Recently I Found Out That Someone Had Hacked into MY Instagram Account. At First I Was Pissed, but Now I Have Decided to Hack into Their Account. I Really Need Someone to Teach Me. I Would Greatly Appreciate Any Form of Help.

Forum Thread: Problem Capturing WPA Handshake

To keep things short I've been experimenting with cracking wpa in aircrack following the tutorial here by OTW. Everything works fine except a handshake is never captured as I am told when I go to run aircrack against the .cap file. I am using the panda PAU09 which plenty of people say works great, and yes the deauth command does work.