Hello all,
I've been cracking a .pcap file using crunch pipe throuigh pyrit, I've know this has always been the fastest way to crack a wpa2.
The only thing is, I'm only gettin 1200PKMs per second, while every other seem to get 15000 at least. Is there any way to speed up the hack just a little more ?
2 Responses
If you used pyrit db would maybe go as fast as 159159186.00 PMK's per second. Time for space trade off in effect.
Other than that it may speed up a little bit but 12-15k is the norm.
As you said : 12-15K is the norm, i'm on 1,2K ...
I've building the pyrit db as of now with a wordlist ( 15gig ). But are there any other ways to speed things up without having to use a wordlist or db ?
I used the following code to crack the wpa2
crunch 12 16 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 |pyrit -i- -r MYFILE.cap -b BSSID -e ESSID attackpassthrough
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