Forum Thread: FBI Offers 380M€ for Capturing Hackers

They aren't rappists, drugg dealers ou murderers, they are hidden hackers, that after their deeds the FBI offered a total of 380 million euros for capturing them.

I'll leave here the top 5

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1. Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev

Reward: 3 milhões dolars. Responsable for the creation of Gameover Zeus, a trojan wich steals passwords, bank credencials in a indetectable way. Since 2009 had stolen over 100 milions USD$ and since then is pursued by FBI's agent Christopher Stangl.

2. Nicolae Popescu

Reward:1 million dollars. This hacker is responsible for false car's ad placed on online sites like in which engendered a scheme that allowed him and his team win minhões with people who belived in their speeches. 6 members of his team were arrested in 2012 but Popescu escaped and the FBI thinks he is in Romania.

3. Alexsey Belan

Reward: $ 100,000. This hacker stole enterprise data between 2012 and 2013 in the state of Nevada and California in the United States. Now, sells this information in the "world of cyber crime" for the highest value.

4. Peteris Sahurovs

Reward:$ 50,000. This hacker put online advertisements on news sites and when people entered the site, their computer was infected and their files encrypted. Asking for a ransom of $ 50, and if it was not paid, the computer was filled with "evil" popups that tore apart the operating system.

5. Shaileshkumar "Sam" Jain

Reward: $ 50,000. This is the only American on the list. He created online ads indicating that the victim's computer was infected, impelling them to buy a "useless" software to remove the alleged virus. It made about $ 100 million to this scheme.

Looks like "innovative" methods to make money, do not you think?

This was in hackersportugal (in Pt)


1 Response

Wow,i think they are crackers.
And i hate it.
HACKER ||||||||||||| CRACKER
Hope you have a nice day.

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