General Discussion

Wonder How To: Dedicate RAM to a graphics card?

Ok, my laptop running an intel i-3 processor has an NVIDIA GEFORCE GT420M CUDA with a dedicated 1GB... kind of pathetic. I was wondering if it is possible to dedicate my plentiful RAM to my poor graphics card? don't get me wrong, it can obliderate Fallout 3 and Elder Scroll: Oblivian, but when it comes to high-end games like Total War: Shogun 2, it fails in the area of graphics. As a side note, will running DirectX 11 make things better or worse in the processing department?

Forum Thread: A script to hide things in pictures

Wassup byters, I have a new script I'd like to share called "". This script allows you to hide ANY file inside a .png or .jpg file and then extract it. Though there are two problems with this. Depending on what you hide the picture will get obviously big. Second it's real easy for people to see what you're hiding by just open the picture in any editor. But to people who ignore those things it's well hidden XD.

Forum Thread: Virus Remover?

Hey guys, not sure if anyone can help me here but since it is about hacking and security I figured I would give it  a shot. I was wondering if anyone knew of a program that would remove viruses from a computer. Sadly my friends are not the brightest bunch and always seem to be getting them and turn to me to figure it out (they only turn to me because I love computers but don't know too much about them yet). Most of the time I can't do anything and thye have to pay to get them removed. I was t...

Forum Thread: About Tor, anonymity and exit node "sniffer"

Hello! After spending quite some hours reading about, installing it and experimenting with Tor I still have one basic question, that after all the "exit node sniffing danger" still not clear to me. I understand basically that: Tor protects my anonymity by "hiding" my ip address, thus my location, but at the exit node someone could see all the data that flows by. This is the question: No one would know where it comes from but they can read a message that I send to somebody telling them that we...

Forum Thread: System Upgrade

Okay, here I am trying to solve the crashing in my Arch(bang) Linux crash and I think it might be the openGL crashing it. I ran "sudo pacman -Syu" and it gives me the following (Pastebin link) On a side note for some reason I can't install Skype in Arch. It wont let me let me install lib32 files needed for Skype, any idea on what to do.

Forum Thread: Java Command

Hello, does anyone know how I would send a command like "sudo pacman -Syu" in Java. If that doesnt make sence here is what I mean. I want to make a Java program that will with buttons or something do a system update or something else but how will I get the code to come out like an actual terminal code. So here is a diagram to help me explain.

Forum Thread: Jailbreaking iPod4 on 5.1

So I got myself a new iPod since my last one kicked it not too long ago, and when I picked it up I was quite exited to see if I could put some fun terminal applications on it and program from my iPod and such.. You can imagine my dismay after finding out my iPod is running 5.1 and can only be jailbroken tethered or semi-tethered, but even after getting over that and going through with it anyways to see what I could get done, MobileTerminal (the Terminal emulator for iDevices) that I would be ...

Forum Thread: Novelty hacking scene

Hello everyone, here's a short novelty hacking clip I made while playing with the C programming language. While this isn't exactly security oriented. I still thought it might be fun to flaunt because you might see something close to it in movie.

Forum Thread: Open letter to Null Byte

Hey Everyone! I have been taking stock in our community, trying to see what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong. I have big plans for us here. I envision Null Byte as a resource for security pros one day. I want to see proof-of-concepts come out of our forums. I want to see white paper advisories being created in our IRC channel. So I ask everyone this, I ask for your ideas.

Forum Thread: Real world applications?

Hey all, A standard competitive robot used in a FRC robot competition contains a router (often no encryption) that acts like a bridge between the robot and a driver station. This driverstation is typically a simple 2go computer practically confined to controlling the robot.

Forum Thread: newbie in Mac protection

hey everyone. I am pretty new in the area of hacking and protection against hacking so forgive my ignorance if i say something obvious. i went through this forum and the blog and saw some great posts on staying safe in the cyber world, but does anyone have some tips on how to beef up my anonymity and protection on a mac? I dont need to drop off the grid, but i want to be able to hid my ip if needed and have a very secure firewall and i dont know what else. i would like to keep my footprint as...

Forum Thread: PySide or PyQT?

So I recently signed up for a friendly little programming contest, and to finish I'm going to need to learn to write a GUI. Writing code in python, so the frameworks I am contemplating are PySide and PyQT. This will be the first time I've ever done a GUI so I don't really know what I'm looking for when comparing them, so I open up to the community for input. What do you guys think?

Forum Thread: Possible OTP Implementation

So to refresh my mind I read the wiki article on One Time Pads (OTP for short) and it said some stuff about the message being encoded using modular addition bit by bit from the key. It is effectively secure when the key is the same length or longer than the plaintext.